This seminar series will feature MQ staff presenting their experiences and approaches to undertaking SoTL. The format will be a half hour presentation followed by a half hour workshop. Join us for the first seminar on 26th April where Agnes Bosanquet will talk us through her approach in a recent publication.
Sponsored by the Teaching & Leadership Community of Practice and open to all interested MQ staff.
What is SoTL?
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) aims to provide Higher Education practitioners with evidence-based foundation and conceptual frameworks for teaching practice. Not only can SoTL inform various aspects of university teaching and student support, but it also opens new research avenues for those interested in contributing to the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching themselves.
For the purposes of our seminar series, SoTL research includes presentations, projects and publications related to learning and teaching.
The first seminar:
Date: 26th April 12 noon – 1pm (Via Zoom)
Presenter: Associate Professor Agnes Bosanquet
Topic: Researching HE research – a study that celebrates 40 years of feminist research in Higher Education Research & Development
This presentation will draw on the experience of analysing 40 years’ of articles published by HERD (Higher Education Research & Development) which led to the publication of this article: Tracing the feminist contribution of HERD over 40 years (via Multisearch).
About this research:
- Showcases HERD’s 40 years history of publishing in higher education
- Provides an insight into historical L&T scholarship at Macquarie
- Demonstrates a feminist theoretical framework for analysing scholarship
- Highlights an approach to researching higher education where ethics approval or research participants are not required
Register below and we’ll send you the Zoom link.

Agnes Bosanquet is Director, Learning & Teaching Staff Development (PVC – Learning & Teaching). As a higher education researcher, her focus is qualitative research in critical university studies and changing academic roles and identities.
She blogs as The Slow Academic.
Resources for learning and teaching scholarship in higher education
Access the Teaching Development Resources site to find relevant internal and external articles, guidance documents, tips and links to resources covering:
- Scholarly practice in higher education learning & teaching
- Key SoTL journals
- Your teaching philosophy
- Evaluating, evidencing and recognising teaching
- Contributing to L&T scholarship
See also this Campus Morning Mail story: The subtle arts of the everyday scholar
Upcoming (external) SoTL webinars:
SOTL for impact: how to research and publish your teaching
8 April 12-2pm Register here
- This CAULLT webinar is designed to inform and motivate higher education teaching staff to engage in impactful research using a simple conceptual framework: design, do, disseminate. It will include information on ethics, data collection, where to target research outputs, including non-traditional outputs.
Leading to embed SOTL in your institutions
20 May 12-2pm Register here
- This CAULLT webinar is directed to those responsible for the quality of curriculum at their university, whose focus is primarily the aggregate data of student experience, student success, retention and employability metrics which are used to justify the accreditation of your institution.
Share your SoTL experience
If you would like to present at a future SoTL seminar, please email
Find out about future SoTL seminars
If you are unable to attend the first seminar but would like to be informed about any future seminars, please email
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