Tag: teaching philosophy

What interdisciplinary research training can tell us about teaching in higher education
How reflective writing and resistant reading can foster curiosity, critical thinking and creativity.

Educators of Impact: In conversation with Joyce El-Haddad
As an associate lecturer in anatomy in the Department of Chiropractic, Joyce El-Haddad strives for the best in herself, her students and in her teaching practice. TECHE asks her what drives her aspirations to be the best teacher she can...

Dr Albert Lee on the value of diagnostic assessment quizzes
Albert has a scientific approach to the delivery of MEDI304; a unit that invites students to complete a diagnostic assessment quiz in Week 0. Results of the quiz support student learning and guide the planning of weekly lectures.

The Journey Of A Learning & Teaching Philosophy
Find out how MUIC (Macquarie University International College) developed its learning and teaching philosophy, how they introduced it to their community, and how they make it work.

Do You Have A Teaching Philosophy?
Do you have a teaching philosophy? It’s a definite advantage to have one prepared, so here are some pointers.

Pracademics – Teaching during the PHD
"One’s networks and communities, friends, family and colleagues all contribute to how one develops and views themselves as a researcher."

How to Cut Onions without crying: Michael Gillings on teaching
Michael's students have voted him amongst the top four lecturers in Australia for each of the past five years. Is his success just down to sheer numbers?