Tag: teaching online

Online Exam Delivery Tips: The Online Oral Examination
Looking further into one alternative to the campus-based, invigilated exam.

A/Prof Verity Pacey: Personalising online communication for students during these extraordinary times
Verity has recently become a ‘power-user’ and advocate of the iLearn ‘Personalised Learning Designer’ (PLD) tool, running a number of training sessions for DHP staff. Verity says, “It is a huge positive in terms of personalising online communication for our...

In the time of COVID-19: What about the bandwidth? Facilitating online learning using Low-data tools and technologies
Don't overdo the tech in the COVID19 rush online. There are benefits in keeping it Low-fi.

How to do online meetings (via Zoom) part II
Tips for doing online meetings properly, using Zoom

More tips for teaching online
Tips from the L&T team at the Faculty of Science and Engineering for teaching online.

Not sure where to start with the move online? Start here.
The basics steps to preparing for learning and teaching online.

COVID-19 Online Learning and Teaching Guide
Macquarie University is committed to supporting students and staff during the recent outbreak of COVID-19. This guide outlines steps to get up and running with online delivery. For the latest COVID-19 updates for Learning and Teaching, check our Staff L&T...

COVID-19 Communication and Support for students
It is recommended that you regularly communicate with your students to support their online experience.