Tag: teaching development

New curriculum connections for museum collections
Mapping collection objects with teaching units across campus: uncovering resources buried in the Uni’s museums to maximise their value to our skilled teaching staff and curriculum developers. It is all about removing barriers between the learning and teaching community and...

Surviving And Managing Marking
Helpful tips from the blog archive on how to manage intense marking periods and stay sane!

Defensive pessimism and self-handicapping: Helping students
Olga shares some lessons from the Staff Wellbeing Week circus skills workshop that can help educators deal with defensive pessimism in students.

Macquarie Employability Programs lead to Career Success
Help students to improve their career development awareness, employability skills and job search skills with the Professional Development and Create Your Future Programs.

Top Takeaways from the Global Classroom Workshop
Top tips from a workshop that got ‘sold out’ just 2 days after being advertised: understanding how to engage and communicate with international students.

Cracking the HEA Code: How To Write Reflectively
The HEA Fellowship program is now well established at Macquarie. Are you currently writing your application or are thinking about it in the future? Here I share some tips and insights on how to tackle the tricky 'reflective' writing style...

Coffee Course Day 1: Why Is Feedback So Tricky To Get Right?
Olga and Geraldine, as guest writers for The ANU 'Coffee Courses' Professional Learning Program, have written a 5-day course on Feedback for Learning. Day 1 goes through common misconceptions about Feedback and how to rethink them.

Boost Your Professional Development with Lynda
Access over 6500 professional learning courses with Lynda.com to boost your professional development and learn new skills.

The ANU Coffee Courses
Check out the ANU's online professional development series Coffee Courses and an upcoming course on Deep and Interactive Learning in Lectures.