Tag: student experience

Student Success @ Macquarie: we all have a role
The Student Success Strategic Framework Green Paper has just been released for review and feedback. It is a synthesis of research findings, staff and student workshops, surveys, and external reviews conducted over the past five years.

Defensive pessimism and self-handicapping: Helping students
Olga shares some lessons from the Staff Wellbeing Week circus skills workshop that can help educators deal with defensive pessimism in students.

Macquarie Employability Programs lead to Career Success
Help students to improve their career development awareness, employability skills and job search skills with the Professional Development and Create Your Future Programs.

Top Takeaways from the Global Classroom Workshop
Top tips from a workshop that got ‘sold out’ just 2 days after being advertised: understanding how to engage and communicate with international students.

Calling all S2, 2018 Unit Convenors in FoHS
Join in the Faculty’s new Partnership Program for Session 2

Design for Change – How Service Design Thinking Can Improve Programs
The Global Leadership Program (GLP) recently embarked on a process of discovery using ‘service design thinking’ to enhance the student experience. In the Design for Change Project, we used service design tools and methods to involve GLP students in the process of program evaluation and design....

iLearn Open House – Featuring ENGL121, ENGL231 & ENGL389
This week’s iLearn Open House features three units from Associate Professor Marcelle Freiman from the Department of English: ENGL121 Creative Writing 1: An Introduction, ENGL231 Writing: From Manuscript to the Digital Age, and ENGL389 Textual Practices. Marcelle uses the iLearn platform to strategically frame content,...

Designing Classroom Interaction with Digital Technology
Classroom response systems (CRS) are well recognised active learning strategies. Although student participation and engagement doesn’t necessarily equal learning, we know that active learning strategies promote learning. We also know that many lecturers who teach large student cohorts employ various active...

We Were All First Years Once
"The transition from school to the real world is a big one, and there are things that I now take for granted that were so foreign to me in the early days."