Tag: professional learning

Professional reading for learning and teaching
What we've been reading for work in Learning and Teaching.

Transferable Skills for EMCRs: workshop registrations now open
Early and mid-career researchers interested in gaining key skills that will help them build successful careers are invited to join the Transferable Skills Toolkit workshops.

Make your mark on Macquarie
Do you have an idea for a project that you wish to lead that will have a lasting impact?

Career Tips from a STEM panel discussion
The Faculty of Science and Engineering Women in STEM committee combined with the IEEE Women in Engineering to discuss career paths.

Are we digitally competent?
Learn about your strengths and improvement areas in digital technologies for teaching and learning with this special tool designed to improve digital competence in academic teaching in higher education.

Who is the new PVC L&T and what’s the plan?
At this week's LIH/LTRC meet and greet, Dominique discussed her background, current research projects, reflections on her first month at Macquarie, and her thoughts for the future.

Achieving a work-life balance while juggling research and teaching
Mike Heimlich and Stuart Jackson from the School of Engineering, Michelle Leishman from Biological Sciences, and Orsola De Marco from Physics and Astronomy talk about their personal paths towards achieving work-life balance.

New curriculum connections for museum collections
Mapping collection objects with teaching units across campus: uncovering resources buried in the Uni’s museums to maximise their value to our skilled teaching staff and curriculum developers. It is all about removing barriers between the learning and teaching community and...

Coffee Course Day 1: Why Is Feedback So Tricky To Get Right?
Olga and Geraldine, as guest writers for The ANU 'Coffee Courses' Professional Learning Program, have written a 5-day course on Feedback for Learning. Day 1 goes through common misconceptions about Feedback and how to rethink them.