Results for: rubrics

hand holding a tape measure

Learning is doing, learning is context

Professor Helen Pask, happy to have students back on campus, outlines how Physics units employ contextual learning for non-Physics majors. She reflects on moving teaching wholly online in session 1: some changes have been short-term but others will continue.

/ 2 November, 2020

Professional Learning for teaching in Session 2: It’s all here!

Workshops | Programs | Training | Resources | Communities of Practice

/ 27 July, 2020

Developing Language Use descriptors for the non-linguist

MUIC is taking the development of students’ English language proficiency seriously by including Language Use descriptors in language-rich assessment rubrics. This article explains how we went about the development of these descriptors, to be used by the non-linguist.

/ 26 June, 2019

Assessing Participation

Assessing class participation is increasingly becoming part of the mainstream learning and teaching education experience for university students and instructors. This form of assessments most frequently falls under the category of continuous, formative assessment. In other words, it is assessment...

/ 25 March, 2019

2019 Session 1 Drop-in Clinic and LIH Workshop Dates

Now that the holiday period is finished and preparations are underway for the beginning of Session 1 for 2019, it is time to start thinking about which Learning Innovation Hub workshops or support services you will use to get your...

/ 25 January, 2019
Banner image hand holding a pen

Surviving And Managing Marking

Helpful tips from the blog archive on how to manage intense marking periods and stay sane!

/ 8 November, 2018
plants growing

Top 5 Tips To Make Feedback Effective

To conclude the 5-part Coffee Course on Feedback, we draw out the Top 5 tips to help make feedback most effective.

/ 15 October, 2018
Students studying on campus

Building Your iLearn Unit For Session 3 

Building an iLearn unit to support your compressed curriculum for Session 3 (S3) is challenging. Your S3 iLearn unit must suit the shorter five-week study period whilst still maintaining identical learning outcomes, equivalent assessment and student workload as S1 and...

/ 3 October, 2018
watering plants

Coffee Course Day 4: How To Make Feedback Effective

Day 4 of the Coffee Course on Feedback for Learning looks at the how - be selective, embrace technology options, and foster students' feedback literacy.

/ 24 September, 2018