Results for: google drive

MURI intern, Alora Cantwell

Research-enriched learning at MQ: Celebrating 10 years of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI)

Alora Cantwell, a third-year biology student completing a Bachelor of Science, shares her 2020 internship experience in the 10th cohort of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI).

/ 25 October, 2020

Online Exam Delivery Tips: The Online Oral Examination

Looking further into one alternative to the campus-based, invigilated exam.

/ 9 April, 2020

We never forget good teachers!

When you spend 30 minutes with Dr Liz Schroeder, it’s easy to see why students nominated her for a 2018 VC teaching award for ’significant contribution to the quality of student learning‘.

/ 21 March, 2019
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

NEW: Minimum standards for FOHS iLearn units

FOHS introduces a set of minimum standards for iLearn units.

/ 30 October, 2018

2018 FoHS Student-Nominated Teaching Award

Spread the word about nominations for the 2018 Faculty of Human Sciences Student-Nominated Teaching Award.

/ 21 August, 2018 screenshot

Boost Your Professional Development with Lynda

Access over 6500 professional learning courses with to boost your professional development and learn new skills.

/ 17 May, 2018

Students as Partners: Dean Bevitt

 Dean Bevitt Hi, my name is Dean. I am in my third year of Psych (Honours), with potentially a Masters in Organisational Psychology after that. Aside from studies at university, I volunteer at Lifeline and work on the weekend running...

/ 29 March, 2018
student in Active Learning Space

A student-centred look at Active Learning Spaces

Active Learning Spaces (C5A 430, C5A 435, W2.4A 2.300and E7B 163at Macquarie) are student-centered classrooms, designed to facilitate and promote student participation and engagement.  At Macquarie the spaces contain large, group-sized desks, each equipped with AV (moveable monitors and keyboard per table), which can...

/ 2 November, 2017
archive folders

Designing Classroom Interaction with Digital Technology

Classroom response systems (CRS) are well recognised active learning strategies. Although student participation and engagement doesn’t necessarily equal learning, we know that active learning strategies promote learning. We also know that many lecturers who teach large student cohorts employ various active...

/ 14 September, 2017