Beginning to Teach (BTT) Program – Expressions of interest are now open
This new 12-hour program, commencing on 17 August, is designed to develop the teaching capability of those with limited or no experience of teaching.

Encourage student participation in the Student Experience Survey (SES) 2020
The results of this survey will help Macquarie University and the government to improve the student experience.

Academic Senate Top 5, July 2020
On Tuesday 21 July, Academic Senate held a 'flipped' meeting via Zoom, the final meeting for myself in the role of Chair. Here are the Top 5 items discussed at the meeting.

Studying during COVID-19: insights from Sociology and Gender Studies students
Research with Sociology and Gender Studies students indicates that flexible arrangements that account for students’ lived realities are key to satisfaction and wellbeing. Written by Dr Charlotte Overgaard and Dr Saartje Tack.

Returning to campus: small group classes with an online option
Tips and tricks for blended synchronous teaching in mixed on-campus and online classes.

Professional Learning for teaching in Session 2: It’s all here!
Workshops | Programs | Training | Resources | Communities of Practice

Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club
The Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club is like a book club... but with podcasts!

Teaching face-to-face in a laboratory: What I’d do.
Read this simple checklist of how to create a safe learning environment for you and your students during practical sessions in laboratories and other specialised learning spaces

Coffee Course on Teaching in Hybrid and Multi-modes
The ANU Coffee Course on teaching in hybrid modes is now open for registration.