Results for: over a cuppa

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching – the 7th sip!
Memories of learning

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching – the 6th sip!
What is your university story?

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching – the 5th sip!
What is in your reflection toolkit?

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching- the 4th sip!
Lenses for reflection.

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching- the third sip!
What are your intentions for your teaching?

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching – The Second Sip!
Put on your 'teaching cloak'.

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching. The first sip!
A new regular series to prompt you to reflect on your learning and teaching.

Make teaching development part of your game plan
Professional development for teaching: Here's what's on offer in 2024.

Ask us: What are your go-to resources for informal evaluation of teaching?
We explore different approaches to collecting feedback from students and peers.