Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

Unleashing the pedagogical power of object-based learning
Join forces with the MQ Object-based Learning Pilot project team and use museum collections to support students 'leaping lightly over knowledge hurdles' in your teaching unit

Connecting Literacies Portal Launched
Connecting Literacies, a central online repository where you can both share and find quality teaching and learning support resources, has just launched as a community unit in iLearn.

The Stickiness of Storytelling In Teaching
Here I delve into the magic and stickiness of storytelling. If you need some inspiration or a reminder to try out some storytelling in your teaching practice, here aresome simple pointers.

What Makes Good Educational Media? We Asked Macquarie Students
What makes good educational media? Our recent Media Production interns weighed in on the matter.

Sharing is Caring – The Many Advantages of Using iShare
iShare is MQ's digital content repository for learning and teaching. Search and contribute resources, link them directly in iLearn in multiple places at once and update files without having make adjustments in iLearn.

Massively Adaptive Complex Realistic Online Simulations with Interactive Mentoring (MACROSIMS)
Using role play create a virtual internship to develop professional identity and thinking

5 Practical Ideas To Prevent Ghostwriting
In response to Rebecca's great article on Contract Cheating and this week's Academic Integrity workshops, I reflect on why students are drawn to ghostwriting and, most importantly, what we can do about it.

Register Your Interest For
Final HEA Fellowship Intake For 2018
Thinking about applying for an HEA Fellowship in 2018? Register your interest at an upcoming HEA information session.

Let’s Talk…. About Contract Cheating
What is it, how can you tell if an assignment has been written by one of these services and what can be done to combat it?