Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

The New Academic Integrity Module: Shining The Spotlight On Principles And Practice
The new Academic Integrity Policy encourages all students and staff to complete the Academic Integrity Module. This new module takes around one hour to work through and builds awareness of academic integrity principles and practice at Macquarie.

Putting Transition Pedagogy Into Practice At MUIC-ELC
Transitioning between school-based and higher education-based learning can be challenging. The team at MUIC and ELC, currently re-designing their curriculum, are exploring new strategies and developing more interactive activities to help smooth this transition pathway.

Aboriginal Cultural Safety Training – A Learning & Teaching Exchange
Walanga Muru’s Aboriginal Cultural Safety Training was launched last week, as part of NAIDOC Week Celebrations, at a enthusiastically-attended Learning and Teaching Exchange event. We heard from several members of the community about what cultural safety means to them.

Curriculum Architecture Town Hall Wrap Up & Your Questions Answered
An overview of this week's Curriculum Architecture Town Hall, with links to the revised principles, information on the naming competitions and questions posed at the Town Hall are answered here.

Electronic Exams Are Now Available!
Electronic exams are now available for suitable Macquarie University units. Electronic exams maintain all characteristics expected from supervised paper exams but are easier to mark, require no paper and make it easier to provide students with feedback. Find out more...

Meet the 2018 Arts Learning & Teaching Award Winners
Read about this year's Arts Learning and Teaching Award recipients and their outstanding work.

Curriculum Architecture Feedback Results & Next Steps
Mariella Herberstein shares how the Curriculum Architecture project came about, what feedback the principles have received so far and what comes next.

Messaging Students In iLearn Made Easy With New Tool
A new tool being introduced in iLearn allows you to automatically send messages to students at certain times or when triggered by certain actions. Personalised Learning Designer (PLD), facilitates easier communication with your students and can potentially help with progression...

Navigate New Changes to the Assessment and Unit Guide Policies
This post outlines recent changes to the Assessment and Unit Guide Policies, which provide greater clarity and make them easier to navigate.