Category: Teaching Practice

Discussions around teaching practice.

Sea of mortar boards at a graduation

How do we turn moments of racism in the classroom into meaningful moments of learning, for every student present?

We teachers have each faced moments in our face-to-face teaching where we have had to respond quickly to racist assumptions/comments, be these explicit or subtle. We wondered how others teach their way through these moments so ran a campus-wide workshop...

/ 12 February, 2019

2019 Session 1 Drop-in Clinic and LIH Workshop Dates

Now that the holiday period is finished and preparations are underway for the beginning of Session 1 for 2019, it is time to start thinking about which Learning Innovation Hub workshops or support services you will use to get your...

/ 25 January, 2019

Are we digitally competent?

Learn about your strengths and improvement areas in digital technologies for teaching and learning with this special tool designed to improve digital competence in academic teaching in higher education.

/ 29 November, 2018
Beni Hassan Research Group: Penelope Blake, Hannah Vogel, Shannon Collis, Nicolle Leary. Photo by Mike Catabay for LIH

Real skills learned during hands-on authentic research

Lack of hierarchy in learning is a critical aspect of true partnership. Check out what students thought in this research project.

/ 28 November, 2018
20181106 One Health Science Fair

Innovative assessment captivating Biology students

One Health Antibiotic Resistance Science Fair – integrating research, teaching and outreach in assessment practice.

/ 20 November, 2018
man balancing on rock at sunset

Achieving a work-life balance while juggling research and teaching

Mike Heimlich and Stuart Jackson from the School of Engineering, Michelle Leishman from Biological Sciences, and Orsola De Marco from Physics and Astronomy talk about their personal paths towards achieving work-life balance.

/ 20 November, 2018
museum teaching objects

New curriculum connections for museum collections

Mapping collection objects with teaching units across campus: uncovering resources buried in the Uni’s museums to maximise their value to our skilled teaching staff and curriculum developers. It is all about removing barriers between the learning and teaching community and...

/ 15 November, 2018
Banner image hand holding a pen

Surviving And Managing Marking

Helpful tips from the blog archive on how to manage intense marking periods and stay sane!

/ 8 November, 2018
Olga at the staff circus workshop

Defensive pessimism and self-handicapping: Helping students

Olga shares some lessons from the Staff Wellbeing Week circus skills workshop that can help educators deal with defensive pessimism in students.

/ 8 November, 2018