Category: Teaching Practice

Discussions around teaching practice.

Returning to campus: small group classes with an online option

Tips and tricks for blended synchronous teaching in mixed on-campus and online classes.

/ 27 July, 2020
project requests

Streamline your project requests

Key details to include in the opening communications of your project request.

/ 16 June, 2020
Group of young business

“If only I had someone to help with …” If this is you, read on

PACE students are available to help, contributing to your work while applying their learning in the real world.

Man holding Camera by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash

The Do’s and Don’ts of using images in your TECHE blog posts

Contributing to Teche? Here are a few ways you can get the best out of using images in your posts, and some pitfalls to avoid.

/ 19 May, 2020

NCSEHE webinar: Shifting Widening Participation outreach activities to remote learning environments

The National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) will host a webinar on June 10 on shifting Widening Participation and Outreach programs to remote delivery.

/ 19 May, 2020
video files

Sharing video files at MQ

Having trouble sharing video files at MQ? Start with this guide.

/ 13 May, 2020

More tips for teaching online

Tips from the L&T team at the Faculty of Science and Engineering for teaching online.

/ 30 March, 2020
Pages from a book

Professional reading for learning and teaching

What we've been reading for work in Learning and Teaching.

/ 3 February, 2020