Category: Teaching Online
Resources for teaching online.

Online Learning Good Practice – Resources from TEQSA
Access an extensive repository of resources in support of good practice in online learning for the COVID-19 situation.

HERDSA webinar series on enabling online communities
HERDSA launches webinar series on sustaining communities of online practice.

In the time of COVID-19: What about academic integrity!?
The reaction to the COVID19 pandemic seeing a tectonic shift in the mix of assessment tasks - what are the implications for academic integrity?

New kids on the block!
Read about the new iLearn block designed as a convenient touchpoint for students during this period of rapid pedagogical change.

How to add animation to your online learning content
If you are pre-recording video lecture content you may find that some concepts are complex to express in just words. Using animations can help you bring these concepts to life and keep your students engaged.

Online Exam Delivery Tips: The Online Open-book Examination
Following advice on exam alternatives and online oral examinations, here's another option - the online open-book exam.

Online Exam Delivery Tips: The Online Oral Examination
Looking further into one alternative to the campus-based, invigilated exam.

Practical Tips for TEDS Surveys in the online teaching environment
If you haven’t decided yet about whether or not to order a TEDS survey this semester, check out the post on TEDS in Turbulent Times Before we go on to tips about surveying successfully, it’s important to remind you that...

TEDS in Turbulent Times – What should we do?
Here are some reasons to seek students’ feedback, even (or especially) at this challenging time.