Category: Library
From the Library

Anatomy TV updates now available
Staff and students now have access to updated Anatomy TV resources applicable to a wide range of disciplines.

Leganto training and support in FoHS
Leganto is coming! In case you missed it, Leganto is the new reading list management system that will be implemented across the Faculty in Session 2. It has heaps of great features, user benefits and positive student feedback from the...

Learning with Leganto: Information for FoHS
Register now for training on how to create and manage a Leganto reading list

Macquarie is an institutional member of EDUCAUSE: staff have access to all EDUCAUSE resources including webinars and reports. Find out more about what it is and how to access the resources.

Thanks and Farewell to JoAnne Sparks
JoAnne Sparks is retiring from the University after almost six years. Some of JoAnne's closest colleagues wanted to say a few words to pay tribute as she says farewell to Macquarie University.

Open For Education – Open Access Week, 22-28 October
Governments and funding bodies are moving to adopt open policies, but there is uncertainty around how these will be implemented. Find out more about Open Access by engaging with Open Access Week 2018.

1000 Students Can’t Be Wrong!
WriteWISE is the university’s peer-led writing support program. Over the past two years, WriteWISE has helped commencing students develop confidence and capability as academic writers.

Referencing Drop-In Sessions At The Library
The Library's bibliographic referencing drop-in sessions, 'Wrestling With References', are running again this session. Drop by to get help with Endnote, Mendeley or Zotero.

The New Academic Integrity Module: Shining The Spotlight On Principles And Practice
The new Academic Integrity Policy encourages all students and staff to complete the Academic Integrity Module. This new module takes around one hour to work through and builds awareness of academic integrity principles and practice at Macquarie.