Category: Academic Senate

Assessment policy brief: timely provision of criteria and feedback
Early provision of assessment criteria and timely feedback helps student learning.

Academic Senate Top 5, May 2021
On Tuesday 25 May Academic Senate held its third meeting of the year in the Arts Function Centre Room along with an option for members to attend by Zoom. Check out the top 5 items from the meeting

Assessment policy brief: examinations limited to two hours
Guidance on complying with this policy change.

Assessment policy brief: changes to group assessment weighting in a unit
Policy changes include a shift from applying weighting limits on group marking from the task level to the unit level

Changes to the Assessment Policy starting 1 July 2021
A summary of key policy changes and what you need to know to prepare.

Academic Senate Top 5, April 2021
On Tuesday 6 April Academic Senate held its second meeting of the year in the Arts Function Centre Room along with an option for members to attend by Zoom. Check out the top 5 items at the meeting

Renewal of registration with TEQSA
Preparations are underway for Macquarie's renewal of registration as a higher education provider.

Academic Senate Top 5, February 2021
On Tuesday 23 February Academic Senate held its first meeting of the year. To accommodate physical distancing we met in the Arts Function Centre Room retaining the option for members to attend by Zoom. Check out the top 5 items...

Academic Senate Top 5, November 2020
The Chair of Academic Senate reports on 5 things discussed at the November meeting of Academic Senate.