A limited number of classes are still available for observation! Hurry – closing end of May!

A diverse group of dedicated and experienced teaching staff from across the University, together with the Professional Learning and Staff Development Team, are collaborating to provide you with the opportunity to observe teaching – live and in-person, as part of our ‘Open for Observation’ program in Session 1.

Attend a real class and observe a Macquarie teacher in action:

  • Observe their teaching approach and techniques;
  • Learn about the tools and technologies they use;
  • Connect with colleagues within and beyond your discipline;
  • Gain a student perspective to inform your own teaching;
  • Talk about teaching – and learning – with other educators from across Macquarie.

We are very excited to be working with teaching staff across the faculties to make this possible.

I think it is such a useful learning tool to watch what other people do. Each time I look into someone else’s unit I pick up something. That’s where a lot of my scaffolding comes from – learning from other people and seeing what they do.

Kelly Gray, FMHHS

How does the ‘Open for Observation’ program work?

Below are details of classes that are open for observation. The range of class types includes tutorials, seminars, lectures, workshops and practical sessions! There’s a mix of on-campus, online and some blended teaching sessions. There are open classes for all times of the day and evening so you are bound to find something that you can attend. You’ll be in the class with the students, but just as an observer, without having to participate or interact with others.

If you are interested, check out the many opportunities for observation below, and if a particular class catches your eye, book in to observe that session. You will then be sent any relevant information for that class, including the Zoom link if it’s online.

As an observer, you can use this guided Reflection Sheet to record your observations with prompts that will focus on capturing practices and techniques that you may wish to explore for your own teaching development.

It’s a great opportunity to get another perspective on teaching and to reflect afterwards on your own teaching practice.

  • Why do we teach the way we do?
  • What can I learn from the experience of others?
  • How can I improve my teaching?

Who can observe?

Anyone with at least ONE session of teaching under their belt will find this experience valuable. We’d also encourage Learning Designers to participate as observers.

Supporting and learning from each other

Not only do you have the opportunity to observe how others teach and get some ideas to inform your own teaching practice but you can also support your colleagues by providing feedback to them. We must emphasise though that this is an optional part of the process – it is not in any way meant to be a teaching evaluation. Rather, it’s in response to some of the participating teachers who have indicated that they would appreciate some feedback on specific aspects of the class. As an observer, please follow your teaching colleague’s lead, and only provide feedback when and where requested.

Unless we co-teach, we find ourselves in a bubble and while we might think we do things one way or another, we don’t really know that unless we get some feedback from our students and peers. Peers, however, will have a different perspective of what we do and it is good to have a conversation about why we teach the way we do with someone in a similar role.

Previous Open for Observation participant

Consider observing teaching in a different discipline – you might be surprised!

As a business school lecturer, I didn’t know how I would benefit from the teaching methods used in an anatomy lab session. What I discovered was that there are no boundaries to learning from how others teach- it cuts across subjects.

Nandini Krishna Kumar, MQBS

Choose which class you’d like to observe and register

Thank you to the teachers listed below for opening up their classroom to provide these opportunities for you to observe.

Which one will you choose?

Get in quick as spaces in each timeslot are limited!

Click below on any class that interests you to see information about the class, the teacher, observation times available, and to register to attend.

Remember to check out the units on Open iLearn too! Note that you will need to have completed the Academic Integrity Module before you will be able to access other units (in Open iLearn) – this shouldn’t take you long though – you just need to ensure you do the Quiz at the end for the system to recognise ‘completion’ of the AI module. In some cases, you may need to contact the Unit Convenor for access to the unit in iLearn.

Christopher Agius | FMHHS | CHIR3105 Chiropractic Science 5 | 2-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Christopher Agius is a lecturer in the Department of Chiropractic, Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences.

About the class:

This is a 2-hour Chiropractic skills tutorial where students will be doing a workshop on high velocity manipulation. There will be a variety of technologies used such as our Force Sensing table, and OnForm video analysis.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Wednesday 10 April9-11am11WW Room 330
Wednesday 10 April11am-1pm11WW Room 330

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced as a visitor. You will be free to roam the class and interact with the students if you wish.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Christopher is interested in receiving some general feedback on the class.

After the class:

Please contact Christopher after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email christopher.agius@mq.edu.au

Dr Karol Binkowski | FoSE | STAT1170 Introductory Statistics | 1-hr lecture on campus

About the teacher:

Karol Binkowski is lecturer in Statistics in the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering. View Karol’s profile.

About the class:
STAT1170 Introductory Statistics is a 1-hour interactive peer instructions lecture delivered on campus which Karol integrates Mazur’s (1997) Peer Instruction method (also known as Mazur’s sequence) into the Introductory Statistics course. Students engage in multiple-choice questions, vote anonymously via MS Forms with QR codes, discuss in small groups, revote, and then discuss solutions. Questions focus on concepts over procedures, aiming for memorable in-class engagement. The lectures are pre-recorded, and the open-for-observation lecture in Lotus Theatre serves as an interactive session with the lecturer.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 10 observers for this class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Monday 18 March10-11amLotus Theatre 27WW

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Observers may choose to participate as students and join peer discussions – but this is optional.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Karol is interested in receiving feedback on:
    – lesson structure, use of quizzes and the Peer Instruction format
    – Classroom management and dynamics, positioning in the classroom
    – Ideas about delivery modes
    – Ideas on what else could I add to, and improve the session?

After the class:

Please contact Karol after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback and ideas for improvement. Email karol.binkowski@mq.edu.au

Dr Agi Bodis | FMHHS | APPL8001 TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages) Methodologies | 3-hr seminar on campus

About the teacher:

Dr Agi Bodis is an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Agi’s profile.

About the class:
Although the APPL8001 TESOL Methodologies seminar class runs for 3 hours (on campus), as an observer, you do not need to stay for the full duration of the class.

The seminars aim to deepen the theoretical concepts of language teaching by putting them into practice. The seminars are practice-oriented, involving lots of group work.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 4 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Thursday 4 April12-3pm12SW Room 430
Thursday 11 April12-3pm12SW Room 430
Thursday 2 May12-3pm12SW Room 430

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be asked to briefly introduce yourself to the class as an observer.
  • Agi would be interested in receiving any general feedback and tips/ideas for using activer learning spaces (with the multiple displays) better – so consider that as you observe.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Agi after the class to set up a time to chat and reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email agi.bodis@mq.edu.au

Billy Bruce | MQBS | MGMT1011 Organisational Behaviour | 2-hr workshop online

About the teacher:

Billy Bruce is a Sessional Teaching Academic in the Department of Management, Macquarie Business School.

About the class:

Billy is an experienced Zoom teacher who likes to use a range of interactive tools and techniques to connect with online students. If you are interested in learning some Zoom teaching tips and tricks you are warmly invited to observe one of Billy’s classes!

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (Online)
Monday 8 April11am-1pmVia Zoom
Monday 29 April11am-1pmVia Zoom
Monday 6 May11am-1pmVia Zoom
Monday 13 May11am-1pmVia Zoom
Monday 20 May11am-1pmVia Zoom
Monday 27 May11am-1pmVia Zoom

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Active engagement and interaction with the students during class is welcome.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Billy is interested in receiving any general feedback on the class.

After the class:

Please contact Billy after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email billy.bruce@mq.edu.au

Billy Bruce | MQBS | MGMT2031 Ethics and Sustainability | 2-hr workshop online

About the teacher:

Billy Bruce is a Sessional Teaching Academic in the Department of Management, Macquarie Business School.

About the class:

Billy is an experienced Zoom teacher who likes to use a range of interactive tools and techniques to connect with online students. If you are interested in learning some Zoom teaching tips and tricks you are warmly invited to observe Billy’s class!

Observation opportunities available:
There is no limit to the number of observers for these online classes.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (Online)
Thursday 4 April11am-1pmVia Zoom
Thursday 11 April11am-1pmVia Zoom
Thursday 2 May11am-1pmVia Zoom
Thursday 9 May11am-1pmVia Zoom

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Active engagement and interaction with the students during class is welcome.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Billy is interested in receiving any general feedback on the class.

After the class:

Please contact Billy after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email billy.bruce@mq.edu.au

Dr Lurion De Mello | MQBS | MQBS8000 Contemporary Business Issues | 2-hr seminar on campus

About the teacher:

Dr Lurion De Mello is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie Business School. View Lurion’s pofile. Lurion was a finalist in the 2020 Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching awards. To find out more about Lurion’s teaching practice read this ‘ask us anything’ Teche post and view a short recording from a presentation on Stepping out with industry-relevant skills: designing course-based assessments using real-world data from the 2023 Educating for Success forum.

About the class:
MQBS8000 is a capstone subject in the Master of Commerce degree. Each week, the class discusses various topics focusing on soft skills, career, strategic decisions, and how one can navigate the complexities of an organisation with differing views and opinions. There is an emphasis on sustainability and ethics throughout the unit. There are 55 students enrolled in the unit. Students undertake activities during the class so it’s not strictly a traditional seminar class. MQBS8000 has students from different majors, including students from engineering management and exchange students.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Tuesday 19 March1-3pm12SW Room 430
Tuesday 26 March1-3pm12SW Room 430
Tuesday 2 April1-3pm12SW Room 430
Tuesday 9 April1-3pm12SW Room 430
Tuesday 30 April1-3pm12SW Room 430
Tuesday 7 May1-3pm12SW Room 430
Tuesday 14 May1-3pm12SW Room 430
Tuesday 21 May1-3pm12SW Room 430

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be asked to briefly introduce yourself to the class as an observer.
  • You are welcome to interact with the students.
  • Lurion would be interested in receiving any general feedback about the class – so consider that as you observe.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Lurion to set up a time to chat over coffee (or cake or ice cream!) to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email lurion.demello@mq.edu.au

Icaro de Oliveira Rosa | FoA | ARTX1000 Humanities and the World | 1hr tutorial Online

About the teacher:

Icaro de Oliveira Rosa is an Academic Casual in the Macquarie School of Education, Faculty of Arts.

About the class:
This will be Icaro’s first time tutoring via Zoom. The topic for the day will be about the Future of Work. There will be some breakout rooms for discussion.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 1 observer for the class.

The observation experience

Class dateClass timeLocation (Online)
Thursday 28 March2-3pmOnline via Zoom

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced to the class as an observer. You can choose whether or not to participate in the class or remain silent.
  • Icaro would be interested in receiving some general feedback on the online class as it is his first time teaching via Zoom – so consider that as you observe.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Icaro after the class to set up a time to chat and reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Icaro would love to discuss any ideas/suggestions. Email icaro.deoliveirarosa@mq.edu.au

Dr Bowen Dempsey | FMHHS| COGS1000 Introduction to Neuroscience | 1-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Bowen Dempsey is a lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. View Bowen’s profile.

About the class:
COGS100 Introduction to Neuroscience is 1-hr structured tutorial delivered on campus.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 1 observer for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Friday 10 May1-2pm12SW421
Friday 17 May1-2pm12SW421

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced to the class as a visitor.
  • Bowen would be interested in receiving feedback on:
    – classroom management and dynamics, positioning in the classroom
    – organisation of group work activities
    – are the instructions clear and concise instructions
    – student participation and engagement, active learning
    – ideas about delivery modes
    – lesson structure, use of quizzes
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Bowen after the class to arrange a chat to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email bowen.dempsey@mq.edu.au

Dr Kelly Gray | FMHHS| PHTY8206 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan B | 2-hr practical class on campus

About the teacher:

Kelly Gray is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Health Sciences and Course Director for the Doctor of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences. Kelly, as part of a team from Health Sciences, FMHHS, was awarded a Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning in the 2021 Australian awards for University Teaching (AAUT). View Kelly’s profile.

See also these TECHE articles featuring Kelly: 

About the class:

This is a two-hour practical class which explores the role of physiotherapy in identifying and managing future clients with challenges around mental health. This class will utilise case-based scenario’s, screening tools and developing exercise programs. The class is face to face only with approx 20 students in the class.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Tuesday 26 March1-3pm75 Talavera Rd Room G500
Tuesday 26 March3-5pm75 Talavera Rd Room G500

Before the class:

  • Download the observation Reflection Sheet
  • Read the PHTY8206 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
  • View the PHTY8206 iLearn site – this will provide an opportunity to review the pre-practical class content (online interactive workbooks) provided to students.

During the class:

  • You will be introduced to the class as an observer.
  • There is no pressure to interact during the class – though you are more than welcome to do so.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Kelly would be interested in receiving some general feedback – so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Kelly after the class if you would like to arrange a chat to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email kelly.gray@mq.edu.au

Andrew Grinko | MQUC | WECO1020 Principles of Economics 1 | 2-hr lecture/tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Andrew Grinko is a teacher in the Macquarie University College.

About the class:

The topic for the class on Wednesday 1st of May is Supply and Demand: price taking and competitive markets. The topic for Thursday 2nd of May is Taxes and welfare effects of taxes.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to register (links coming soon)Class timeLocation (On campus)
Wednesday 1 May8.30-10.30 am8SCO G20 Tutorial Room
Thursday 2 May8.30-10.30 am8SCO G20 Tutorial Room

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced to the class as an observer.
  • It is preferred if you do not interact with the students during the class.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Andrew would be interested in receiving some general feedback – so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Andrew after the class if you would like to arrange a chat to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email andrew.grinko@mq.edu.au

Salman Jalalifar | FoSE | MECH/CIVL1001 Introduction to Mechanical/Civil Engineering | 2-hr lecture online or 3-hr workshop on campus

About the teacher:

Salman Jalalifar is an Associate Lecturer (Teaching and Leadership) in the School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering.

About the class:

The two-hour online lecture delivered over Zoom in which annotation is typically used to explain the procedure for solving engineering problems.

There is also an opportunity to observe a 3 hour workshop delivered face to face.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation
Wednesday 10 April9-11amOnline via Zoom (you will receive the Zoom link once you register).
Monday 29 April9am-12 noon01CC Room 106
Monday 6 May9am-12 noon01CC Room 106
Wednesday 15 May9-11amOnline via Zoom (you will receive the Zoom link once you register).
Wednesday 22 May9-11amOnline via Zoom (you will receive the Zoom link once you register).

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced as a visitor.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Salman would be interested in receiving some general feedback on the lesson structure and use of quizzes, as well as specific observations on whether the instructions to the class are clear and concise – so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Salman after the class to arrange a chat to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email salman.jalalifar@mq.edu.au

Dr Marina Junqueira Santiago | FMHHS | MEDI1400 Foundations of Learning, Communication and Teamwork | 1-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Marina Junqueira Santiago is a Senior Lecturer in the Macquarie Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences. View Marina’s profile.

About the class:
MEDI1400 Foundations of Learning, Communication and Teamwork is a 1-hour tutorial delivered on campus. This is a short class (1h) based on the flipped classroom model. All students are in person, and we have group work. Each week is different, but we have many activities where we attempt to show the students the importance of core skills to their future careers and daily lives.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 1 observer for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Friday 22 March11am-12noon1WW 213 (Wally’s Walk)
Friday 5 April11am-12noon1WW 213 (Wally’s Walk)
Friday 3 May11am-12noon1WW 213 (Wally’s Walk)
Friday 10 May11am-12noon1WW 213 (Wally’s Walk)
Friday 17 May11am-12noon1WW 213 (Wally’s Walk)

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Marina would be interested in receiving some general feedback on the class – so consider that as you observe.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Marina after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email marina.junqueirasantiago@mq.edu.au

Dr Prashan Karunaratne | MQBS | MQBS1030 Decision Making for Business | 1.5-hr lecture on campus

About the teacher:

Dr Prashan Karunaratne is an academic in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, and the Course Director of the Bachelor of Commerce, Macquarie Business School. View Prashan’s profile. Prashan was a 2021 winner of a Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student Nominated Award and part of an FoSE Team that won a 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Educational Leader Award. View Prashan’s video presentation from the Educating for Success forum in 2023 titled ‘Enhancing Employability Skills via Course-Based Assessments for Learning in a Capstone Unit‘.

About the class:
MQBS1030 Decision Making for Business is a 1.5-hour lecture delivered on campus. This is a new cross-disciplinary unit of Economics and Business Analytics.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 5 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Tuesday 26 March2-3.30pm14SC0 Mason Theatre
Tuesday 30 April2-3.30pm14SC0 Mason Theatre
Tuesday 7 May2-3.30pm14SC0 Mason Theatre
Tuesday 21 May2-3.30pm14SC0 Mason Theatre
Tuesday 28 May2-3.30pm14SC0 Mason Theatre

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Feel free to interact and take part in the class.
  • Prashan would be interested in receiving some constructive general feedback on the class – so consider that as you observe.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Prashan after the class (or have a coffee/tea catch up) to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email prashan.karunaratne@mq.edu.au

Dr Prashan Karunaratne | MQBS | MQBS3010 Agility and Excellence in Business | 1-hr industry panel on campus or online

About the teacher:

Dr Prashan Karunaratne is an academic in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, and the Course Director of the Bachelor of Commerce, Macquarie Business School. View Prashan’s profile. Prashan was a 2021 winner of a Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student Nominated Award and part of an FoSE Team that won a 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Educational Leader Award. View Prashan’s video presentation from the Educating for Success forum in 2023 titled ‘Enhancing Employability Skills via Course-Based Assessments for Learning in a Capstone Unit‘.

About the class:
MQBS3010 Agility and Excellence in Business is a 1-hour lecture delivered on campus on Monday mornings and then repeated online on Monday evenings. The lecture is run in a format where the Unit Convenor activates the learning outcomes by prompting a panel of industry partners to showcase their experience and expertise, via a Q&A style panel interview. If you register for the online class, the Zoom link will be sent to you with the calendar invitation.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 3 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Monday 25 March on campus11am-12noon21WW Macquarie Theatre
Monday 25 March online6-7pmVia Zoom
Monday 8 April on campus11am-12noon21WW Macquarie Theatre
Monday 8 April online6-7pmVia Zoom
Monday 29 April on campus11am-12noon21WW Macquarie Theatre
Monday 29 April online6-7pmVia Zoom
Monday 6 May on campus11am-12noon21WW Macquarie Theatre
Monday 6 May online6-7pmVia Zoom
Monday 13 May on campus11am-12noon21WW Macquarie Theatre
Monday 13 May online6-7pmVia Zoom
Monday 20 May on campus11am-12noon21WW Macquarie Theatre
Monday 20 May online6-7pmVia Zoom
Monday 27 May on campus11am-12noon21WW Macquarie Theatre
Monday 27 May online6-7pmVia Zoom

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Feel free to interact and take part in the class.
  • Prashan would be interested in receiving some constructive general feedback on the class – so consider that as you observe.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Prashan after the class (or have a coffee/tea catch up) to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email prashan.karunaratne@mq.edu.au

Dr Prashan Karunaratne | MQBS | STAT1250 Business Statistics and Insights | 1.5-hr lecture on campus

About the teacher:

Dr Prashan Karunaratne is an academic in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, and the Course Director of the Bachelor of Commerce, Macquarie Business School. View Prashan’s profile. Prashan was a 2021 winner of a Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Student Nominated Award and part of an FoSE Team that won a 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Educational Leader Award. View Prashan’s video presentation from the Educating for Success forum in 2023 titled ‘Enhancing Employability Skills via Course-Based Assessments for Learning in a Capstone Unit‘.

About the class:
SAT1250 Business Statistics and Insights is a 1.5-hour lecture delivered on campus. This is a refreshed version of the unit – now a cross-faculty unit between MQBS and FSE.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 5 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Thursday 4 April1.30-3pm27WW Lotus Theatre
Thursday 16 May1.30-3pm27WW Lotus Theatre
Thursday 23 May1.30-3pm27WW Lotus Theatre
Thursday 30 May1.30-3pm27WW Lotus Theatre

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Feel free to interact and take part in the class.
  • Prashan would be interested in receiving some constructive general feedback on the class – so consider that as you observe.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Prashan after the class (or have a coffee/tea catch up) to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email prashan.karunaratne@mq.edu.au

Dr Patricia Koromvokis | FoA | MGRK1010 Modern Greek Studies 1 | 2-hr seminar | On campus or online (blended class)

About the teacher:

Patricia Koromvokis is a Lecturer (Teaching and Leadership) in the Department of Media, Communication, Creative Arts, Languages and Literature (MCCALL)- Faculty of Arts. View Patricia’s profile. Read this Teche post about how Patricia fosters students’ critical thinking skills by constantly asking them to explain ‘why?’.

About the class:
Observers can expect to witness a participatory environment where students actively engage with the language material. My objective is to establish a learning environment that is both inclusive and effective, fostering the growth of each participant. I aim to facilitate not only the acquisition of language knowledge, but also the cultivation of lifelong learning skills. By prioritizing both linguistic proficiency and the development of continuous learning habits, I aspire to empower individuals to thrive academically and beyond.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Wednesday 20 March1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Wednesday 27 March1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Wednesday 3 April1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Friday 5 April11am-1pm25WW C228 or via Zoom
Wednesday 10 April1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Friday 12 April11am-1pm25WW C228 or via Zoom
Wednesday 1 May1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Friday 3 May11am-1pm25WW C228 or via Zoom
Wednesday 8 May1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Friday 10 May11am-1pm25WW C228 or via Zoom
Wednesday 15 May1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Friday 17 May11am-1pm25WW C228 or via Zoom
Wednesday 22 May1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Friday 24 May11am-1pm25WW C228 or via Zoom
Wednesday 29 May1-3pm25WW C229 or via Zoom
Friday 31 May11am-1pm25WW C228 or via Zoom

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be invited to introduce yourself at the start of the class in order to make the students feel more comfortable.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Patricia would be interested in receiving some feedback. See below.

I am interested in receiving feedback from my colleagues on the teaching methodology, specifically in terms of student participation, engagement, and active learning strategies. I value their insights and perspectives to enhance and refine the overall teaching experience.

After the class:

Engaging in a brief discussion with the observers post-class would be highly beneficial. This exchange would provide an invaluable opportunity to receive constructive feedback on the applied teaching practices and gauge the level of engagement within the class. I believe such discussions contribute significantly to the ongoing improvement of our teaching methods and overall learning experience. Please contact Patricia after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email patricia.koromvokis@mq.edu.au

Nandini Krishna Kumar | MQBS | ACCG8028 Management Control Systems 1 | 3-hr seminar on campus.

About the teacher:

Nandini Krishna Kumar is a lecturer and Director of Education in the Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance, Macquarie Business School. View Nandini’s profile. Nandini is a recipient of the Macquarie University Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Student Nominated Award (2020). Read about Nandini’s approach to teaching in this Spotlight on Practice Teche post.

About the class:
This is a seminar for ACCG8028 Management Control systems where postgraduate students will have a combination of lecture and activities both individual and Group.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Tuesday 19 March3-6pm08SCO Room 118

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced as an observer at the start of the class.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Nandini would be interested in receiving some general feedback about the class – so consider that as you observe.

After the class:

Please contact Nandini after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email nandini.kumar@mq.edu.au

Dr Ali Lalbakhsh | FoSE | MTRN4066 Advanced Mechatronic Engineering | 2-hr practical class on campus.

About the teacher:

Ali Lalbakhsh is an Associate Lecturer in the School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering. View Ali’s profile. Ali is a recipient of the Macquarie University Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Student Nominated Award (2023).

About the class:
At the start of the class students will be shown some concepts using the visualiser and slides and then students work on their assignments with their group members.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 5 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Monday 18 March9-11am12SW 430 Active learning space

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced as an observer at the start of the class.
  • Please just observe the class and do not interact with the students.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Ali would be interested in receiving some general feedback about the class – so consider that as you observe.

After the class:

Please contact Ali after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email ali.lalbakhsh@mq.edu.au

Sonja Maric | FoA | ECHE6010 Health and Wellbeing in Early Childhood | 2-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Sonja Maric is a lecturer in the Macquarie School of Education, Faculty of Arts. View Sonja’s profile.

About the class:
ECHE6010 Health and Wellbeing in Early Childhood has a 2 hour in person weekly tutorial. This class is heavily based on group work and discussion. Students discuss a range of health issues in society and how they impact teaching and the early childhood settings. The class is face to face and includes a range of teaching strategies aimed at preparing education students for teaching health.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 5 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Monday 25 March9-11am12SW 229 Tutorial Room
Monday 8 April9-11am12SW 229 Tutorial Room
Monday 29 April9-11am12SW 229 Tutorial Room
Monday 6 May9-11am12SW 229 Tutorial Room
Monday 13 May9-11am12SW 229 Tutorial Room
Monday 20 May9-11am12SW 229 Tutorial Room
Monday 27 May9-11am12SW 229 Tutorial Room

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • The observer may interact as much or as little as they like. Observers will get the most out of the session if they attempt to engage.

After the class:

Sonja would be interested in receiving some general feedback and having a collegial dialogue after the class. Please email sonja.maric@mq.edu.au

Dr Arash Mehrafrooz | MQUC | WPHY1510 Engineering Physics | 2-hr seminar on campus

About the teacher:

Dr Arash Mehrafrooz is a teacher in the Macquarie University College.

About the class:

WPHY1510 Engineering Physics has a 2 hour in person seminar. This unit covers the fundamental ideas of physics for engineering. Students will be introduced to the basic laws and principles of physics that describe motion, interactions of objects, measurement, and electric and magnetic phenomena. We practice basic physics problem-solving in this class.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 1 observer for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Thursday 18 April (AM)11am-1pm8SCO Room 122
Thursday 18 April (PM)1.30-3.30pm8SCO Room 122

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Introduce yourself to the students.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Arash is interested in receiving some general feedback on the class – so consider that as you observe.

After the class:

Please contact Arash after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class, to discuss teaching practices and to provide any feedback. Please email arash.mehrafrooz@mq.edu.au

Dr Harry Melkonian | FoA | LAWS8097 Media Law and Culture | 1-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Harry Melkonian is an Academic Casual in the Macquarie Law School, Faculty of Arts. View Harry’s profile.

About the class:
LAWS8097 Media Law and Culture has a 1 hour in person weekly tutorial. Students will be working to develop legal skills to write a submission that will be made in an actual dispute or parliamentary consultation.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 3 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Thursday 21 March10-11am17WW G10
Thursday 28 March10-11am17WW G10
Thursday 4 April10-11am17WW G10
Thursday 11 April10-11am17WW G10
Thursday 2 May10-11am17WW G10
Thursday 9 May10-11am17WW G10
Thursday 16 May10-11am17WW G10
Thursday 23 May10-11am17WW G10

Before the class:

During the class:

After the class:

Harry would be interested in receiving some general feedback and having a collegial dialogue after the class. Please email Harry harry.melkonian@mq.edu.au

Ehsan Milani | MQUC | WMMC1040 Introduction to Media and Mass Communication | 2-hr lecture/tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Ehsan Milani is an academic in the Macquarie University College.

About the class:
Introduction to Media and Mass Communications addresses the major transformations and continuities in the Australian and global media and communications environment. Students learn foundational frameworks that will help them gain a deeper understanding of rapidly changing media industries and practices.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Tuesday 23 April 1.30-3.30pm8SCO Room 177

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Feel free to participate in the class.
  • Ehsan would be interested in receiving some general feedback about the class – so consider that as you observe.

After the class:

Please contact Ehsan after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email ehsan.milani@mq.edu.au

Professor David Orsmond | MQBS | ECON1021 Principles of Economics 2 | 1hr lectorial on campus

About the teacher:

David Orsmond is a Professor in the Department of Economics, Macquarie Business School. View David’s profile. In 2022, he won a Vice Chancellor’s Student Nominated Award for his teaching. Read more about David’s teaching in this TECHE post.

About the class:
ECON1021 Principles of Economics 2 is delivered as a 1 hour flipped ‘lectorial’ on campus where students collectively answer questions based on the recorded material. Students listen to a pre-recorded lecture, then attend this session for application of that material to real-world situations. Common misconceptions are also addressed.

Observation opportunities available:
There is no limit to the number of observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Monday 18 March1-2pm23WW (Wally’s Walk) Theatre 1
Monday 25 March1-2pm23WW (Wally’s Walk) Theatre 1
Monday 8 April1-2pm23WW (Wally’s Walk) Theatre 1
Monday 29 April1-2pm23WW (Wally’s Walk) Theatre 1
Monday 6 May1-2pm23WW (Wally’s Walk) Theatre 1
Monday 13 May1-2pm23WW (Wally’s Walk) Theatre 1
Monday 20 May1-2pm23WW (Wally’s Walk) Theatre 1

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • David would be interested in receiving general feedback on what you liked/thought about the class.

After the class:

Please contact David after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback or ideas. Email david.orsmond@mq.edu.au

Dr Umut Ozguc | FoA | POIR8570 International Law and Global Governance 2 | 1.5-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Umut Ozguc is a Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Arts. View Ozguc’s profile.

About the class:
POIR8570 International Law and Global Governance is delivered as a 1.5 hour tutorial on campus. It is a big class, involving mostly group work during tutorials. In terms of specific technology used in class, Padlet may be used for collaboration.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Monday 29 April12.30-2pm11WW 110 Tutorial Room
Monday 6 May12.30-2pm11WW 110 Tutorial Room
Monday 13 May12.30-2pm11WW 110 Tutorial Room
Monday 20 May12.30-2pm11WW 110 Tutorial Room

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Umut would be interested in receiving general feedback and any ideas on running large tutorials so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Umut after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback or ideas. Email umut.ozguc@mq.edu.au

Associate Professor Michael Proctor | FMHHS | SPHL3308 Speech Production | 2hr seminar on campus or online (blended class)

About the teacher:

Michael Proctor is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences. View Mike’s profile.

About the class:
SPHL3308 Speech Production has a 2-hour on campus seminar delivered in flipped mode: students engage with readings, watch recorded lectures and attend workshop tutorials before attending seminars, which are organised as interactive Q&A/review sessions to consolidate learning materials for the week. There will be some students joining online.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 1 observer for each class. Observers wishing to join the class online can obtain the Echo360 link from the unit iLearn site.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation
Wednesday 20 March5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)
Wednesday 27 March5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)
Wednesday 3 April5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)
Wednesday 10 April5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)
Wednesday 1 May5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)
Wednesday 8 May5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)
Wednesday 15 May5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)
Wednesday 22 May5-7pm01CC 109 (or via Echo360)

Before the class:

  • Contact Michael prior to attending the class – he will be able to provide information about the unit and plans for the class you would like to attend.
  • Download the observation Reflection Sheet
  • Read the SPHL3308 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
  • View the SPHL3308 iLearn site.

During the class:

  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Mike is interested in receiving feedback on teaching materials, class dynamics, pedagogy, approaches to blending learning, and anything else that might help to enhance the learning experience – so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Mike after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback or ideas. Email michael.proctor@mq.edu.au

Charanya Ramakrishnan | FoSE | COMP2750 Applications Modelling and Development | 2-hr lecture on campus

About the teacher:

Charanya Ramakrishnan is a Senior Lecturer in Computing, School of Computing, in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. In 2022 she won a Vice Chancellor’s Student Nominated Award. This award recognises teachers who have been nominated by students for teaching excellence and making a difference to learning. See page 28 of this booklet for more information about Charanya’s approach to teaching. Charanya is also the recipient of a 2023 AAUT Award (Australian Awards for University Teaching) citation for outstanding contribution to student learning.

About the class:
COMP2750 Applications Modelling and Development is 2 hour lecture delivered in person on campus. It is a unit to understand how information systems such as apps can be modelled and developed, providing an overview of the end-end process.

Observation opportunities available:
There is no limit to the number of observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Thursday 21 March3-5pmMacquarie Theatre (21WW)
Thursday 28 March3-5pmMacquarie Theatre (21WW)
Thursday 4 April3-5pmMacquarie Theatre (21WW)

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Please be a silent observer during the class.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Charanya would like to receive general feedback on teaching and any ideas to engage with students better – so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Charanya after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class, to discuss teaching practices and to provide any feedback. Email charanya.ramakrishnan@mq.edu.au

Dr Hedieh Ranjbartabar | MQUC | WCOM1350 Introduction to Database Design and Management | 2-hr seminar on campus

About the teacher:

Dr Hedieh Ranjbartabar is an academic in Macquarie University College.

About the class:
WCOM1350 Introduction to Database Design and Management explores database modeling, and management principles in organisations, covering conceptual modeling, normalisation, database implementation, and key tools like ER Modeling and SQL. It also addresses advanced topics such as data warehousing, governance, security and ethics.

Observation opportunities available:
There is 1 observation opportunity for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Tuesday 16 April11am-1pm8SCO Room G78 PC Lab
Tuesday 23 April11am-1pm8SCO Room G78 PC Lab
Tuesday 30 April11am-1pm8SCO Room G78 PC Lab

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Please introduce yourself to the class as an observer and feel free to interact with the students.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Hedieh would like to receive general feedback on the class – so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Hedieh after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class, to discuss teaching practices and to provide any feedback. Email hedieh.ranjbartabar@mq.edu.au

Dr Jennifer Ruskin | MQBS | MQBS2010 Enhancing Employability Skills | 2-hr interactive workshop OR 1-hr lecture on campus

About the teacher:
Dr Jennifer Ruskin is an academic in the Department of Management, Macquarie Business School. View Jennifer’s profile.

About the class:
MQBS2010 Enhancing Employability Skills has a 2-hour interactive workshop and a 1-hour lecture – both are delivered on campus. As an observer, you can choose to attend the lecture (4-5pm) or the workshop that follows immediately after (5-7pm) or attend both a lecture and a workshop (same day or different days) – or select a class based on the topic for that day (as outlined in the table below)

Each week, students are introduced to a topic in an interactive lecture, often with guest speakers. In the workshop, they get hands-on opportunities to develop the related skills or elements of their job application portfolio. This is the first offering of the unit, so we’re working through interactive activities, timing and aligning learning with assessments.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 5 observers for the lecture or 2 observers for a workshop.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerTopicClass timeLocation (On campus)
Monday 18 March lecturePersonal branding4-5pmMacquarie Theatre 21WW
Monday 18 March workshopAligning LinkedIn, CV, etc. with personal brand5-7pm1CC 105
Monday 8 April lectureWorkplace diversity4-5pmMacquarie Theatre 21WW
Monday 8 April workshopWorking in diverse teams5-7pm1CC 105
Monday 6 May lectureProblem solving at work4-5pmMacquarie Theatre 21WW
Monday 6 May workshopDeveloping solutions for embedded WIL activity5-7pm1CC 105
Monday 13 May lecturePresenting solutions at work4-5pmMacquarie Theatre 21WW
Monday 13 May workshopPresenting solutions, reflecting on learning5-7pm1CC 105

Before the class:

During the class:

  • Observers are invited to introduce themselves and interact with students.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • As this is the first offering of this unit, Jennifer would be particularly interested in observer observations about student engagement, activity timing and learning alignment with assessments or any other observations.

After the class:

Please contact Jennifer after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback or ideas. Email jennifer.ruskin@mq.edu.au

Imran Shahzada | MQUC | WACC1000 Accounting in Society | 2-hr seminar on campus

About the teacher:

Imran Shahzada is a Teacher on the Finance and Accounting Diploma in the Macquarie University College.

About the class:

This is a two-hour seminar class, delivered on campus. The topic for this class will be adjusting entries, effects of adjusting entries, and preparation of Adjusted Trial Balance.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for each class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Wednesday 17 April11am-1pm8SCO Room G22

Before the class:

  • Download the observation Reflection Sheet
  • Read the WACC100 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
  • View the WACC1000 iLearn site – this will provide an opportunity to review the pre-practical class content (online interactive workbooks) provided to students.

During the class:

  • You will be introduced to the class as an observer.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Imran would be interested in receiving some feedback about teaching delivery and class management- so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Imran after the class if you would like to arrange a chat to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email imran.shahzada@mq.edu.au

Dr LayPeng Tan | MQBS | MKTG6096 Introduction to Marketing Management | 2-hr workshop on campus

About the teacher:
Dr LayPeng Tan is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Marketing, Macquarie Business School.

About the class:
MKTG6096 Introduction to Marketing Management has a 2-hour workshop delivered on campus. About 95% of this postgraduate cohort are international students and this is their first semester in MQ. Therefore, in addition to the Unit Learning Outcomes, we are intentional in our L&T approaches to create a feeling of goodwill in the class, and to provide these new students a supportive learning environment. The workshop involves activities in groups and discussion with the whole class.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 2 observers for the workshop.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Wednesday 3 April 4-6pm01CC (Central Courtyard) Room 214

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced as a visitor/observer. You are welcome to interact with students in the group discussions.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • LayPeng would be interested in receiving some feedback on the following (so consider this as you observe the class):
    • general feedback
    • classroom management and dynamics
    • organisation of group work activities
    • are the instructions clear and concise instructions
    • student participation and engagement, active learning

After the class:

Please contact LayPeng after the class (or have a coffee/tea catch up) to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email laypeng.tan@mq.edu.au

Eva Tzschaschel | FMHHS | PSYU1101 Introduction to Psychology 1 | 1.5-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:

Eva Tzschaschel is an Associate Lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences (and Co-Course Director for the Bachelor of Psychology OUA), Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences.

About the class:

This is a first-year psychology tutorial class involving class discussion and group or partner work.

Observation opportunities available:
There is only 1 observation opportunity for the class.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (Online)
Wednesday 10 April10-11.30am12SW Room 317

Before the class:

  • Please contact Eva prior to attending the class for a chat to discuss your expectations and what you hope to gain as an observer, and to obtain some background information about the class.
  • Download the observation Reflection Sheet
  • Read the PSYU1101 Unit Guide to get a feel for the class and the students.
  • View the PSYU1101 iLearn site.

During the class:

  • You will be introduced as a visitor.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Eva would like to receive feedback and ideas for student participation and active learning – so consider that as you observe the class.

After the class:

Please contact Eva after the class to reflect on your experience of observing the class and to provide any feedback. Email eva.tzschaschel@mq.edu.au

Dr Hector Viveros Tapia | MQBS | MGMT1007 Introduction to Human Resource Management | 2-hr tutorial on campus

About the teacher:
Dr Hector Viveros Tapia is a lecturer in the Department of Management, Macquarie Business School. View Hector’s profile. In 2023 Hector was a Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Student Nominated Award winner – an award that recognises staff for their teaching and support of learning that influences, motivates and inspires students to learn. Read about the unique way Hector connects with his students in this TECHE post: Where’s Hector? And why has he been popping up all over campus?

About the class:
MGMT1007 Introduction to Human Resource Management has a 2-hour tutorial delivered on campus. The class involves activities in groups, discussion with the whole class, and use of online tools such as Menti/Socrative.

Observation opportunities available:
There is a maximum of 3 observers for the tutorial.

The observation experience

Class date & link to registerClass timeLocation (On campus)
Friday 3 May2-4pm1CC Room 116 (Central Courtyard)

Before the class:

During the class:

  • You will be introduced as a visitor. You are welcome to interact with students in the group discussions.
  • Consider the prompts on the Reflection Sheet as you observe the class.
  • Hector would be interested in receiving some general feedback on the class – so consider that too as you observe.

After the class:

Hector would be happy to grab a coffee with observers after the class or for you to contact him via email to arrange a time to reflect on your experience of observing and to provide any feedback or ideas. Email hector.viveros@mq.edu.au

FAQ’s for Observers

Your questions answered below.

How can I get the most out of the observation experience?

Below are comments from previous participants with advice and suggestions for how to get the most out of the observation experience:

  • Be prepared to look from 2 perspectives – as an educator and as a student.
  • Show you are interested – ask questions or make suggestions.
  • Provide feedback (if feedback is asked for) on both areas of achievement and areas for growth.
  • Consider observing classes outside your discipline.
  • Preparation really helps – look at the iLearn unit, unit guide, and reflection sheet.
  • During the session: watch the students’ reactions, participation… what is their experience?​
    After the session: what was the high point for you? How was their style different from yours? What could you do differently?
Can I register to observe a class outside my own faculty? What if I’m not familiar with the subject?

Yes, indeed. We’d like to encourage observers to look outside their own faculty. You don’t need to be familiar with the subject matter in order to observe the class. It’s all about observing different approaches to learning and teaching.

The ‘Open for Observation’ program can also be used within the department/faculty/school for peer review and to promote collegial conversations about teaching.

Can I just turn up to a class without registering beforehand?

Please register first. There are a limited number of places available for each class time based on what the teacher has advised is manageable for them and their class, so as not to cause unnecessary disruption to the class. Please only attend a class that you have registered for. Bookings are open up until close of business the day prior to the class (unless fully booked out).

What should I do if I register to observe a class and then find that I am unable to attend?

If you are not able to attend a class that you have registered for, please contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au and we will cancel your booking and make the space available for someone else to book.

What are the reflection prompts for?

The reflection prompts are for you to use during your observation to help you to think about and reflect on the experience to get the most out of it. These prompts are suggestions only, and how you use them is up to you. You could consider sharing some of your reflections with the observee!

Can I leave in the middle of the class or do I have to stay to the end?

As a courtesy to the teacher and the students, and so as not to disrupt the class, it is recommended that you stay for the duration of the class. If there is an urgent reason why you need to leave, just politely advise the teacher.

However, there are some 3-hour classes where the teacher has specifically advised that it would be perfectly acceptable to leave before the end of the class. This has been indicated in the class information where this applies.

Should I approach the teacher before/during/after class?

Please respect the wishes of the teacher about how much contact they would like, and when. We have checked with all the teachers, and have provided information about their preferences under each teacher’s name in the descriptions above. The booking system will automatically let them know who is attending their class. Please note that some teachers have indicated that they would like you to contact them before the class, perhaps to provide information about what to expect in the class.

Please be mindful that teaching staff are often tied up immediately at the end of a class with speaking to students, or they may need to rush off to another class.

How do I obtain the link to observe an online class?

When you register for a class, you will receive a booking confirmation email. If the class is online, the Zoom link will be included in that email.

Should I provide feedback to the teacher after the class?

These teachers have volunteered to open up their classes to allow you to have a unique insight into their teaching practices, so you can get ideas and reflect on your own teaching. Some staff have indicated that they would like to receive feedback on a specific aspect of their teaching, or if they are trying something new. Please be guided by their preferences, as outlined above, for each teacher and please take care to provide feedback only when requested.

Consider sharing some of your reflections with the observee teacher and if you enjoyed the observation experience, let them know!

If you are a teacher and you would like to open up your own class for others to observe next session, please email professional.learning@mq.edu.au

The Open for Observation program contributes to the following Professional Learning and Capability Enhancement (PLaCE) Framework capabilities:
F2.1 Observe and reflect on the teaching of others
F2.2 Obtain and respond to peer feedback
F2.3 Obtain and respond to peer feedback on teaching, learning, learning support and /or curriculum/assessment design practices.
F2.4 Participate in peer review and provide constructive formative feedback to colleagues.

If you have any questions about the Open for Observation initiative, please contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au

Banner image: Eric Lysenko on Shutterstock
Questions and FAQ images: Pixabay
Post edited by Kylie Coaldrake

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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