iLearn Insights was developed in-house at Macquarie University in 2018 as an online analytical application to help address the challenge of engaging, motivating and supporting our students.
This year, iLearn Insights turns 5 – and we are taking a few minutes to re-cap its development journey.
iLearn Insights enables educators to teach with a greater depth of knowledge of their students – how they are progressing, whether they are falling behind or not, whether they are engaging with learning materials and activities etc. It allows educators to better cater for diversity, provide targeted assistance to those students most in need, and gives insights on unit and assessment design.
Over the past 5 years, iLearn Insights has enabled 2,574 staff in 6,766 units to send over 1,580,822 targeted emails to encourage students to engage with their learning or offer support.
When it was piloted in S2 2018 the main features available were:
- view a snapshot of activity in your unit
- determine marking workload and progress
- track student performance
- identify students that are not engaging
- visualise student engagement in activities, eg forums, and quizzes
iLearn Insights can now:
- attach documents to student emails
- tell you if a student submits a task onshore or offshore
- provide a report for a group of students from across all their iLearn units
- include an Acknowledgement of Country as an email variable
- schedule the time you would like the email to be sent
- analyse participation in Zoom, quizzes, Echo360, H5P and more!
Over 600 unique users are sending over 330,000 emails to students each session!
Over 95% of students act on the personalised emails they received to re-engage with their learning!

Celebrating 5 years of the award winning iLearn Insights:
Like to know more about iLearn Insights?
This 4 min video shows iLearn Insights in action.
Are you using iLearn Insights? If not, here’s how to get started
User Guides on getting started with the dashboard, and how to send personalised student emails and track participation can be found on the iLearn Insights Staff Intranet site.
This video provides an overview of iLearn Insights (useful for new users) plus gives an overview of the latest developments in 2023.
We’d like to hear from you – How has iLearn Insights helped your teaching?
Acknowledging the ‘behind the scenes’ contributors to iLearn Insights:
Overall support: Dominique Parrish, PVC L&T Operations
System support: Michael Mendoza
Echo360 and Zoom support: David Morgan, Fransiska Bunadi
SQL support: Jaymie Parker
Initiative to pilot at MQ: Amanda Parker
Group report support: Jeremy Hind
Award application support: Cathy Rytmeister, Amanda Parker, Jeremy Hind, Nathan Sollars
Article review support: Kylie Coaldrake
Special thanks to all academic and professional staff who submitted feature requests to enhance iLearn Insights.
Banner image: Ruth Black on Shutterstock
All other images provided by Shamim Joarder
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