An open access MOOC for the Australian Higher Education Sector.
Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching is a free teaching induction massive open online course (MOOC). Designed for those in their first few years of university teaching, it introduces higher education learning and teaching concepts and strategies through expert-developed modules and resources. Study is self-paced in two hour modules that can be completed over a semester. The MOOC can also be used as a just in time, just for you resource and used as and when needed.
This course is just what you need if you are:
- new to teaching
- would like to review topics to advance your teaching, e.g. scholarly teaching
- a sessional, contracted or continuing academic
- interested in scoping modules for your institution’s professional development program (MOOC content is available to universities to share and adapt under a CC Attribution Share Alike license.)
Topics include:
- Teaching your first class
- Planning for learning
- Feedback for learning
- Scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching
- Designing, implementing and supporting online learning
- Curriculum design
- Assessment
- Collaborative learning
- Teaching today’s diverse learners
- Quality assurance and our responsibilities
- Learning and teaching theories
Resources and specialty topics include:
- Teaching mathematics
- Work Integrated Learning
- The politics of Australian higher education
- Managing student teams
- Sessional staff
- Your professional wellbeing
- A guide for librarians
Enrol now – course starts 29th August 2022
Course dates: 29 August – 16 December 2022.
Format: Online and free!
The course is hosted by the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT) and is led by A/Prof Agnes Bosanquet (Macquarie University) and A/Prof Marina Harvey.
The MOOC has been extremely successful with over 8000 colleagues enrolling from 106 countries since 2018. Thirty-eight institutions from 11 countries have requested the MOOC content for their institution’s LMS. The course was a 2018 finalist with Distinction in the Australasian Academic Development Good Practice Awards.
[…] Looking for a comprehensive self-paced course? The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching is a free MOOC with content developed by MQ staff. There is loads of content and staff can just pick and choose the bits that are relevant for them. More information and enrol here. […]