The Employability & Graduate Success team has a clear agenda for 2022 – increasing students’ purposeful engagement in their own career learning and employability journey. To make an impact in 2022 there must be consistent and clear messages to all students, and all staff have a role to play in supporting students realise their career dreams.
Help us to help students make their career and employability a top priority in 2022. Here are 5 simple steps on how you can encourage students to kick some major career goals.
STEP 1 – Discover Employability Connect
Employability Connect is our free online gateway to work integrated learning opportunities, career and employability resources, career coaching and jobs. It’s the new and improved version of CareerHub. Please encourage students to login to Employability Connect regularly to stay up to date and remember, you have access too so check it out.
STEP 2 – Students should get engaged and active
There’s a full calendar of career and employability activities on offer too:
- network with employers and industry partners;
- learn from other Macquarie students and graduates;
- pick the brains of our experts;
- download the 2022 Career and Study Planner
It’s all kicking off with Careers and Employability Week that’s takes place from 7-11 March. Check out the program, recommend sessions to students, or even join a session by registering in Employability Connect.
STEP 3 – Develop employability skills
Employers are looking for evidence of employability skills. Students can go to Employability Connect to find out what skills are in demand, identify their areas of strengths, access opportunities to develop and learn how to present effectively to employers.
STEP 4 – Experience. Experience. Experience
It’s not all about grades. Experience counts, so encourage students to start getting work experience from the first year of study. Students can build experience through work integrated learning activities and PACE. They can get a part-time job on or off campus. They might try extra curricula activities such as student societies or the Global Leadership Program. Opportunities are advertised via Employability Connect – jobs, internships and more.
STEP 5 – Get students ready to launch!
Resume, cover letter, elevator pitch, job search, LinkedIn profile, ePortfolio, interview skills – students need all these options to demonstrate they are the ideal candidate. Students can join MQ Student Employment’s Job Ready Club to get a head start on all these aspects of career and employability.
The Employability and Graduate Success team can coach and advise students in all these different scenarios using any or all of the following approaches:
- online resources and tools
- group workshops and development programs
- coaching and consult sessions
- recruitment and talent sourcing through MQ Student Employment, and of course,
- through the work integrated learning activities of the PACE program.
Don’t forget to refer any employers to the new Employer Connect portal, providing a centralised point of contact for employers to engage with Macquarie regarding employment and work integrated learning opportunities.
For further information please visit Employability Connect (if you hadn’t got the message yet!)
Image credit: Adam Scarf
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