The employability of our students is essential to their success and will assist in preparing them for their careers and the future world of work. The new E&GS team has been formed to support the University’s strategic objectives as part of the Operating Plan 2020-2024 and the Federal Government’s agenda as outlined in the National Priorities and Industry Linkage Fund (NPILF).
The team brings together highly experienced professional staff from 3 key teams:
The E&GS team is working collaboratively with students, academics, professional staff, and employer/ industry partners to implement a refreshed, aligned, and consistent employability journey – both in and out of the classroom. The team will play a key role in the implementation of the Employability Framework once that is finalised.
What does E&GS do?
Know a student who needs help with job search, resumes and applications, interview preparation and career planning?
We have you covered.
Have you got an ideal project that will allow students to bring together theory and workplace practice?
We have you covered.
Do you need help finding the most up-to-date resources to embed employability in your unit?
We have you covered.
Are you a PACE Unit Convenor and have questions about the delivery and support for your unit?
We have you covered.
Know an employer who wants to recruit talented MQ students to build their company’s talent pipeline?
We have you covered.
The E&GS team is a central team for all activities related to student employability, work integrated learning, careers, employment, and the career learning of students.
Who’s in the team

The formation of the E&GS team is one of the most exciting developments in the first half of 2021, especially as the team is now working collaboratively to align the delivery of employability-related services and support for all students. The opportunity to share effective work practices and seamlessly support both students and employers is a great step forward.
Other key activities in the first half of 2021:
- Continued support for the delivery of PACE units in S1 and S2 including alignment of practices with the University’s COVID-Safe plans and obligations under the Foreign Relations Act.
- Input into the University’s Employability Framework.
- Hosting Univative for the 3rd time.
- Development of quality resources to support academics – Careers in Curriculum on iLearn as well as more specific resources to support PACE units.
- Leveraging technology to enhance tiered service delivery – CareerHub, MyMQ CareerZone, Sonia and Salesforce.
- Growth of the Macquarie Student Employment program to support student and employer needs.
- Review of the University’s policy and academic governance for WIL and PACE units.
- Increased engagement with employers to identify exciting career opportunities for students.
- Finalising the 2020 PACE prize applications in conjunction with Faculty and L&T portfolio colleagues.
Priorities for the remainder of the year will be to continue to proactively engage students, academics, and employers in the employability journey and to review and refresh activities to have impact against the Operating Plan and NPILF. A personal goal for Kylie is to keep striving for the very elusive goal of stability in staffing!
On the lighter side…
The E&GS team know how to host a fantastic morning tea and make everyone feel welcome. There’s an excellent sense of humour across the office, lots of laughs and funny stories are always shared. A few staff members have a penchant for online shopping whilst others are connoisseurs of coffee and chocolate. The ‘chocolate desk’ in the PACE and Employability team has been the gift that keeps on giving during busy periods or stressful moments. And everyone in the team gets a real kick out of our student success stories. There is a genuine sense of pride and joy when a student tells us about their fantastic PACE experience or how they have secured a brilliant role with a new employer.
Please contact us via the below channels and we will be happy to help:
- PACE and Employability:
- Careers and Employment Service:
- Macquarie Student Employment:
- Career Development Learning:
PS: Due to the current lockdown, we have not been able to take a photo of the EG&S team (they are not devastated about this!).
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