Anthony Joffe

I’m currently in the Honours year of the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), which I started in 2015. Although the coursework and research takes up most of my time, I try and reward myself by attending music concerts and watching movies – the best ways to unwind in my opinion!

What is your role within the Faculty?

In addition to being a Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) leader for the Faculty of Human Sciences, I’m fortunate enough to coordinate the program under the guidance of Dr Mitch Parsell, the Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching within the faculty. As a PAL leader, I try to create a culture of collaboration within incoming Psychology cohorts, helping them to answer each other’s questions, and utilising their established knowledge to fine-tune new ideas. Having attended PAL sessions since I was in first year, I see the merit of the program and hope to instil the same academic confidence in other students that my PAL leaders gave me.

What has been the most memorable experience with your studies to date?

Undoubtedly, the opportunity to complete two of my third-year psychology units in Bergen, Norway, has been the highlight of my studies. Getting exposed not only to a new university system, but also to new ways of conceptualising and understanding psychological principles in a cross-cultural context highlighted the real-world applicability of my studies. I believe this trip was pivotal to my university experience because it forced me to become more independent – an ability that undoubtedly shaped my undergraduate experience once returning home.

What are the major challenges?

Possibly the greatest challenges I have faced in my time at Macquarie have been the academic pressure of being in a degree that has a high grades requirement in order to progress further, and the juggling of studies and paid work. My work in the Faculty of Human Sciences helped with both of these challenges, allowing me to stay on top of my studies by continually revising past content to teach in the PAL sessions, and by allowing me to ‘earn and learn’ on the same campus.

What are you hoping to do with your degree?

I’m hoping to progress into Macquarie’s Master of Organisational Psychology degree next year. I think this postgraduate program would allow me to apply the principles of psychology in a context that people don’t typically associate with the discipline – something I find quite exciting! I think the beauty of a psychology degree is that you can apply it nearly anywhere.

Any following recommendations on social media?

I don’t follow much in the blogosphere, but I highly recommend two podcasts: ‘Stuff You Should Know’ and ‘Mind On The Job’. SYSK covers a broad range of topics, recounting essential details from important events and people throughout history. Mind On The Job is an organisational psychology podcast by Dr Ben Searle from Macquarie University, and is relevant to both those interested in the field, and those who want to understand their work environments at a more scientific level.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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