The Faculty of Human Sciences Learning and Teaching Committee has just endorsed four proposed priorities for 2018. Now is the time to have your say on these suggestions.

1. Research Enriched Teaching

Research-enriched teaching identifies ways in which research can be used to enrich student learning throughout the curriculum. This strategy promotes research-enriched teaching strategies from micro to macro levels of curriculum across (i) course content and resources, (ii) learning activity design, (iii) assessment design, (iv) unit design, and (v) program design.

2. Employability

The Faculty will develop a strategy to embed employability into the curriculum with the aim of ensuring students are engaged and active citizens, are career ready and have expanded networks with the ultimate outcome that they are life-long learners who contribute to social change and innovation.

3. Peer Review of Teaching

Peer Review of Teaching promotes a culture of ongoing reflection and communication amongst academics, leading to quality enhancement in learning and teaching (Sachs & Parsell, 2014). The Faculty Peer Review of Teaching initiative aligns with the Macquarie University Learning and Teaching Strategic Framework: 2015-2020 and the Faculty of Human Sciences strategic plan, Learning 2020. Each Department has a nominated representative in the Peer Review Working Party: Dr Alissa Beath (Psychology), Dr John Knox (Linguistics), Dr Rod Lane (Educational Studies) and Dr Eva Marinus (Cognitive Sciences).

4. Student Partnerships

One of the aims of this strategy is to identify student ‘champions’ within each tutorial group to provide feedback to Unit Convenors. FBE already have students doing this and the model will be piloted across the University. Linguistics has 3 units involved already. A Students as Partners Committee will be formed with 1 representative from each Department. Colleagues interested in nominating for membership of the Student Partnerships working party, please contact Mitch Parsell. A Student- Staff Partnership agreement is one of the planned outcomes.

Have your say:

  • Are these priorities appropriate for our Faculty?
  • Have we missed anything you think should be included?

Feedback by 15th March by email to Mitch (

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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