Hurry! There is not much time left to apply for a Strategic Priority Grant.

Here’s the FoHS process:

Applications for Strategic Priority Grants are now open for projects of 6 and 3 month duration. If you have a project in mind, please discuss your idea with Mitch Parsell via email to

Then, make sure you are available for the Faculty Pitch Session on Monday 12 March 2-5pm. You will have 3 minutes to present your idea to a Faculty panel. Your presentation should cover:

  • the problem you’re going to solve, the challenge you’re going to overcome
  • the proposed solution
  • the team
  • what you need to make it happen – budget, any significant project components and any additional support requirements
  • if it’s not clear, briefly how the project connects to University strategy priorities.

The Faculty pitch session will be used to decide which projects the Faculty will support going forward to the University pitch session.

Key dates:

Before Thursday 8th March – Contact Mitch to discuss your project idea

12 March 10am – send presentation slides to (you will be sent a template for this)

12 March – Faculty Pitch Session 2-5pm

15 March – Successful Faculty projects to submit a Project Summary Application to PVC L&T Office

5th April – 2018 Pitch Funding Session- presentation pitch from all Faculty endorsed projects across the University

10th April – Full application and budget submission deadline

For further information, please visit the Strategic Priority Grants website

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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