The Library is launching a new multitasking product:
APA Style Central. It’s quick and intuitive!
Here’s a snapshot of what it does. There are four modules called Learn, Research, Write, Publish.
Learn. Here you’ll learn what APA is and how to apply it to your writing. You can refer new users (e.g. your students) to this short and snappy intro video via a link in your iLearn unit. You’ll find examples of academic papers written and formatted in APA style.

Cover notes explain how to cite multiple authors, format tables, headings and sections of academic papers in APA style, and much more. Have a look at this example. Want to know how to reference an audio podcast or a Ted Talk from YouTube? It’s all here.
Research focuses on research and presents some useful tutorials to embed in your iLearn units. For example, this one looks at how to investigate and frame a research question – often the hardest thing in research! APA Style Central also links to your saved references.
Write. This module is particularly exciting and useful. Do you intend to write a literature review paper, a methodical paper or an empirical paper? These and many other templates (along with definitions of each), are available here to kick you off.
As you write, the template guides you through all possible inclusions, such as abstracts, keywords, tables, appendices, and stores your references. You can even research and save references as you go. At the end, it automatically checks and alerts you to any stylistic issues. Woohoo!
The Collaborate section allows you to manage users, their contributions and comments before finalising it. You can come back to your paper later at any point.
Publish. Here you can browse through journals to find the one to fit your paper via different criteria.
On the journal page you’ll find the key information and a link to a submission portal.
The Library has set up an institutionally subscribed account for APA style Central. You can set up a personal login to write, collaborate and enhance publishing potential.
So, jump into APA style Central, it can make your writing and publishing life so much easier. We welcome any comments or feedback, and your Research Librarian can help with any questions or guidance.
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