Reflection and feedback on practice
Incorporating resources for the following PLaCE sub-domains:
R1. Reflective practice
F1. Feedback from students
F2. Peer feedback and review

Reflection is a learned skill and an ongoing process for learners at all levels, including reflection on the practice of teaching. Schön’s (1983) model includes reflection-in-action (occurs in the moment) and reflection-on-action (after the event). Subsequent scholars have added reflection-for-action (future-oriented) (Killion & Todnem, 1991). Brookfield (2017) applies reflection to teaching practice through four lenses: “students’ eyes, colleagues’ perceptions, theory, and personal experience” (2017, p. vii). The following resources offer guidelines and templates for student and teacher reflections.
R1. Reflective practice
Resource | Description |
A reflection process to improve the student experience | Case study: Academic staff involved in the Master of Clinical Audiology at MQ used Brookfield’s four lenses of reflection as a model to improve the student experience. (TECHE article) |
Critical self reflection template | This tool provides suggested criteria for teaching staff to self-reflect on learner engagement, learning context, challenge for learners and practice for learners. (pdf) |
Evaluating your teaching – Handbook | A PDF ‘how to’ resource booklet on evaluating teaching practice from Auckland University of Technology using evidence from students, peers, self and scholarship. Includes evaluation plan templates and guided reflection questions. |
Evidencing teaching achievements | 15 ideas for sources of evidence for teaching excellence (TECHE post) |
Ingredients of a good teaching session | Use this checklist to self-assess one of your own teaching sessions against some key principles for an effective teaching session. |
Online reflection for learning activities | A YouTube channel by the Reflection for Learning Circle with a series of short videos designed for educators interested in supporting reflective practice for their students’ learning and for their own learning and career development. |
Prompts to reflect on learning and teaching | TECHE series of short articles with ideas for reflecting on learning and teaching. (Agnes Bosanquet) |
Quality and evaluation – Readings | A list of recommended readings on quality, evaluation, reflection, development and leadership for learning and teaching. |
Reflection for learning – The basics | A blog post from the TECHE archives – Lilia Mantai provides examples of different models of reflection and how to apply reflective tasks in your teaching. |
Reflection for learning scholarly practice guide | Published by AdvanceHE, this guide by the Reflection for Learning Circle presents a comprehensive collection of evidence-based reflective activities for students and teachers. |
Reflection Toolkit | From the University of Edinburgh, resources for reflectors, facilitators/teachers, and scholarly literature. |
Reflective Practice Toolkit | From the University of Cambridge, a guide and toolkit for reflective practice, including theoretical aspects and practical exercises. |
Reflective Practice Workshop Facilitators kit | From the University of Cambridge, a kit for facilitating reflective practice workshops. |
Reflective practice and evaluation | Strategies, tools and models for reflective practice and evaluation, including Brookfield’s four lenses – students, peers, self, and literature. (From FILT @ MQ. pdf) |
Teaching and unit evaluation at MQ | MQ website with information about, and resources to support the evaluation of learning, teaching and curriculum. |
Unit monitoring, grade ratification and periodic review | An enhanced review process to monitor unit performance ties in with the MQ Curriculum Lifecycle Framework. (TECHE series of articles) |
F1. Feedback from students
Resource | Description |
Evaluating your Teaching | A ‘how to’ resource booklet on evaluating teaching practice from Auckland University of Technology includes using evidence from students. (pdf) |
Reflection template: Application card | A description and template for an Application Card reflective exercise. This can be used a few weeks into a course, after students have been introduced to new material such as a particular principle, theory, or procedure. (pdf) |
Reflection template: Five main points | A description and template for a reflection exercise called Five Main Points. This is typically used at the end of a session in order to determine how well your students have understood a particular topic or idea. (pdf) |
Reflection template: Minute paper | A description and template for a ‘Minute Paper’. This exercise is typically used at the end of a class in order to provide teachers with feedback on what students have learned about a particular topic, and to allow students to reflect on their own learning. (pdf) |
Reflection template: Seeking Clarity / Muddiest point | A description and template for seeking clarity. Typically used at the end of session to assess how well your students understood the subject, and to allow students to reflect on their own learning. (pdf) |
Reflection for learning Resources | A Macquarie guide to reflection for learning from the team behind the AdvanceHE Scholarly Practice Guide. Provides templates for activities that seek student feedback and model reflective practice throughout a unit. See, in particular, Critical Incidents, Five Main Points and Seeking Clarity. (pdf) |
Teaching and unit evaluation | The MQ Teaching Evaluation for Development Service (TEDS) website contains information and resources about teaching and unit evaluation methods and student feedback surveys. (TEACH website) |
F2. Peer feedback and review
Resource | Description |
Benchmarking leadership & advancement of standards for sessional teaching (BLASST) | A national Sessional Staff Standards Framework to evaluate and support the learning and teaching, management and administrative policy, procedure, and practices affecting sessional and casual teachers in higher education. |
Dimensions of teaching | A list of dimensions of teaching to be considered in peer review adapted from Crisp et al. (2009) Peer Review of Teaching for Promotion Purposes (ALTC Project) |
Education performance standards rubric | From Monash University, the equivalent of Macquarie’s PLaCE framework with standards for Teaching and Research academics and Education-focussed academics. |
Embedding a peer review culture | From an Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) project, a toolkit that introduces peer review of teaching in online and blended learning environments. |
Evaluating your teaching – Handbook | A PDF ‘how to’ resource booklet on evaluating teaching practice from Auckland University of Technology includes using evidence from peers. |
External peer review of assessment | From the Council of Australasian Leaders of Learning and Teaching (CAULLT), this is resource to support staff engaging in external peer review of assessment. |
How to collaborate with peer observation | From the archives of Macquarie’s Faculty of Business and Economics, a guide for collaborating on formative peer review of teaching. |
How to write a quality peer review | Created by the Australian Research Council for review of grant applications, this webpage offers guidelines on how to write constructive peer review with exemplar feedback. |
Ingredients of a good teaching session | Use this checklist of key principles for an effective teaching session for peer reviewing a colleague’s class (or for reflecting on your own teaching). |
Peer review guide to enhance clinical supervision | An educational resource from health departments in the Greater Northern Australia Regional Training Network on work-based peer review of clinical supervision practice. |
Peer review in online and blended environments | Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) final report from project on peer review in online and blended learning environments |
Peer review of online learning and teaching ALTC | Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) final report from project on peer review of online learning and teaching. |
Peer review portal | Peer Review Portal is a third party organisation which specialises in providing the higher education (HE) sector with cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable cloud-based solutions and services to support and meet accreditation, professional accreditation, and other regulatory requirements. |
Peer Review of Teaching Handbook | A handbook to support those preparing to engage in peer review of teaching. Resources are informed by scholarship and emphasise collegiality with peer review as a process that is negotiated between the reviewee and the reviewer. (PDF handbook developed as part of an international research project with key contributors from MQ). |
Peer review of teaching website | Website of resources and templates for formative peer review of teaching from a Macquarie-led Office of Learning and Teaching project. |
Peer review of teaching iLearn site | iLearn site for Faculty of Human Sciences formative peer review of teaching project. |
Spectrum academic mentoring | Website from ALTC project that supports mentors and mentees in academic contexts. Includes guidebooks on mentoring, writing groups and peer review of teaching. |
Summative peer review at MQ | A discussion paper was released on a proposed summative peer review process for MQ. This article has a link to the discussion paper and staff feedback. (TECHE post) |
Teaching perspectives inventory | A useful resource for preparing for a teaching evaluation, creating a teaching portfolio, reflecting on teaching, researching teaching perspectives or considering different teaching approaches. |
Teaching standards framework final repost of ALTC | Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) final report from a project on teaching standards. |
TELAS Framework | The Technology-enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards (TELAS) Framework articulates evidence informed criteria to assess and evaluate the quality of online learning. |
Home | Learning and teaching scholarship | Student learning and support | Curriculum and assessment | Reflection and feedback on practice | Developing self and others