Results for: design for change
Internship Program Recognised For Outstanding Work With Diverse Young People
Congratulations to the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship program (MURI) who have been nominated for a NSW Youth Work Award for the Outstanding Work with Diverse Young People Award! Find out more about the program and how it is helping students...
iLearn Is Having A Facelift
iLearn is changing in February 2019. Nothing too drastic, it'll undergo a facelift, so the navigation and layout will be slightly different. Familiarise yourself now with the changes so you don't get caught out in February.
Thoughts On The Inspired Learning Summit
I recently attended the Inspired Learning Summit at UNSW which focused on 'students as partners'. Check out what I learned about putting students in the centre of design, and about adaptive learning technologies, interactive tools and emerging video trends.
Building Your iLearn Unit For Session 3
Building an iLearn unit to support your compressed curriculum for Session 3 (S3) is challenging. Your S3 iLearn unit must suit the shorter five-week study period whilst still maintaining identical learning outcomes, equivalent assessment and student workload as S1 and...
FoHS’ Penny Van Bergen Awarded Advance HE Senior Fellowship
We catch up with Penny to find out about her successful application for the Fellowship.
Coffee Course Day 4: How To Make Feedback Effective
Day 4 of the Coffee Course on Feedback for Learning looks at the how - be selective, embrace technology options, and foster students' feedback literacy.
Latest SPG Project Successes
A quick overview of current Strategic Priority Grant (SPG) Projects and how they're progressing.
Professors Profess: Ian Paulsen
Professor Ian Paulsen expresses his mutual love of science and gaming and the problem solving involved in both, his initial concerns about teaching and how diversifying and seizing opportunities is the way to survive the academic adventure.
The Journey Of A Learning & Teaching Philosophy
Find out how MUIC (Macquarie University International College) developed its learning and teaching philosophy, how they introduced it to their community, and how they make it work.