PLaCE Domain: Student Learning

Special Consideration and COVID-19 – What has changed for Session 2, 2021?
An update to Special Consideration processes.

Optimise your connectivity when working & teaching from home
Some simple steps that might help avoid connectivity issues.

Here we are again – back teaching in front of the camera!
Get some practical tips for teaching whilst the camera is running!

Now here’s an easier way to create assignment groups in large units
Colin Zhang (MQBS) shares a remedy for a vexing problem.

Are your ZOOM settings helping or hindering your classroom?
4 Zoom settings you might want to change (or not)

4 ideas for more engaging Zoom lessons
Practical tips and examples for more engaging Zoom lessons

Teaching via Zoom: BYOQ (Bring your own questions)
2 August, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm We will tackle all your Zoom related questions.

Common encounters with Echo360
We answer the top 10 most frequently asked questions about using Echo360.

Schedule emails for the entire session in iLearn insights
Unit Convenors can now schedule emails for the entire session and emails will be sent automatically with a confirmation email sent to the Convenor when the email has been sent.