PLaCE Domain: Student Learning

Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver online learning
A self-paced course, developed by MQ experts and available free to MQ staff

New to Zoom teaching at Macquarie? Here’s a quick start guide.
First time teaching online at Macquarie? Here is a quick start guide to getting up and running with Zoom!

Preparing Final Assessments
Top tips for teachers to prepare a final assessment or online exam using Macquarie University iLearn (Moodle).

So, I tested 2 options for interactive videos (H5P and Echo360), and here’s what I found..
MQ has 2 options for interactive video: H5P and Echo360. Which one is better? Let's compare!

Enhance your online teaching skills
Get personalised support for your online teaching project

The most common iLearn queries and where you can find the solutions
Self-help for the top 5 hot topics from the iLearn drop in clinic. Not surprisingly, Zoom topped the list!

Convening a unit? Here are graphic syllabus resources for you!
Students tend to do better when they clearly understand how unit elements are interrelated. Here's one tool to achieve it.

The learning experience during a pandemic
Students have their say on their learning experience during the pandemic.

Tried and Tested: tips for online teaching from MQ teachers
Straight from the horse’s mouth: the teaching and leadership community reveal what works for them.