PLaCE Domain: Curriculum and Assessment

Online exam preparation advice for students
Macquarie University has released a suite of resources to help students get ready for upcoming online exams.

Macquarie University Principles for the conduct of formal examinations during the COVID-19 emergency
General principles for conducting formal examinations in Session 1, 2020

In the time of COVID-19: What about academic integrity!?
The reaction to the COVID19 pandemic seeing a tectonic shift in the mix of assessment tasks - what are the implications for academic integrity?

Online Exam Delivery Tips: The Online Oral Examination
Looking further into one alternative to the campus-based, invigilated exam.

In the time of COVID-19: What about the exam?
The replacement of face to face invigilated examinations has been exercising many minds since the start of the COVID19 emergency. What are the options?