Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

Top Takeaways from the Global Classroom Workshop
Top tips from a workshop that got ‘sold out’ just 2 days after being advertised: understanding how to engage and communicate with international students.

Faculties well on their way to transforming the curriculum
Course design and renewal is a job for our experts! Faculties are focusing on maintaining high quality learning outcomes for students in tight timeframes.

Making The Curriculum Pathway Smoother
The Curriculum Management System Project aims to make curriculum data more visible and easy to manage. We find out more about the new system from Alison Guerreiro from the Curriculum and Planning Team.

Top 5 Tips To Make Feedback Effective
To conclude the 5-part Coffee Course on Feedback, we draw out the Top 5 tips to help make feedback most effective.

“Team X” – Developing a Teamwork Experience to Support ‘Teamwork Capable’ Student Employability
Team X, an in-development Strategic Priority Grant Project, aims to arm teachers and learners with the resources needed to create meaningful and successful teamwork experiences. Find out more and get involved >

5 Tips To Refresh Your Curriculum
As the new Curriculum Architecture is picking up steam and there is an increasing number of curriculum re-design projects across campus, here are some top tips for curriculum refreshment.

Embedding Indigenous Knowledges Across The Curriculum – Meet Michael Donovan
Meet Michael Donovan, the new Academic Director, Indigenous Learning and Teaching in Walanga Muru, who, through the new Curriculum Architecture, will be helping faculties embed Indigenous knowledges across all courses by 2020.

Building Your iLearn Unit For Session 3
Building an iLearn unit to support your compressed curriculum for Session 3 (S3) is challenging. Your S3 iLearn unit must suit the shorter five-week study period whilst still maintaining identical learning outcomes, equivalent assessment and student workload as S1 and...

Coffee Course Day 5: Building Student Confidence and Practical Examples Of Feedback
For our final instalment in the Coffee Course Feedback For Learning, we encourage educators to get students involved in the feedback process through predicting feedback and self-regulation.