9 tips for remembering student names
Remembering names is hard, especially when it comes to large groups. However, knowing your students' names can make a huge difference to creating a warm and inclusive environment, and helping your students feel like they belong.

Senior HEA Fellow, Dr Olga Kozar, shares her HEA application story
Olga (in the middle of the photo in the red top) gives an insider's view on what it's like applying for HEA Fellowship here at Macquarie.

Ready or not – the future is knocking on the door…
The world has changed a lot in the last few decades and is likely to change even more. As Education is meant to help students thrive in this ‘new world’ – do we make enough time to pause and think...

Defensive pessimism and self-handicapping: Helping students
Olga shares some lessons from the Staff Wellbeing Week circus skills workshop that can help educators deal with defensive pessimism in students.

Top Takeaways from the Global Classroom Workshop
Top tips from a workshop that got ‘sold out’ just 2 days after being advertised: understanding how to engage and communicate with international students.

Top 5 Tips To Make Feedback Effective
To conclude the 5-part Coffee Course on Feedback, we draw out the Top 5 tips to help make feedback most effective.

5 Tips To Refresh Your Curriculum
As the new Curriculum Architecture is picking up steam and there is an increasing number of curriculum re-design projects across campus, here are some top tips for curriculum refreshment.

Coffee Course Day 5: Building Student Confidence and Practical Examples Of Feedback
For our final instalment in the Coffee Course Feedback For Learning, we encourage educators to get students involved in the feedback process through predicting feedback and self-regulation.

Coffee Course Day 4: How To Make Feedback Effective
Day 4 of the Coffee Course on Feedback for Learning looks at the how - be selective, embrace technology options, and foster students' feedback literacy.