Legacy of SaP: Celebrating 10 years of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI)
Student Partners Ali Asgher Ali, Angelica Ojinnaka, and Angel Kalaimani share their experiences as Student Partners over their years with MURI

Student Partnership: Celebrating 10 years of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI)
Joanna Cai, a second-year Bachelor of Media and Marketing student, shares her 2020 internship experience in the 10th cohort of the MURI program.

Research-enriched learning at MQ: Celebrating 10 years of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI)
Alora Cantwell, a third-year biology student completing a Bachelor of Science, shares her 2020 internship experience in the 10th cohort of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI).

Learner-Generated Digital Media: Fostering Prosumers In The Post-Truth World
A sneak peak into the Archaeology of Death & Burial (ADB-TV) Project team's exploration of three arguments advocating for bringing digital media into curriculum, assessment and learning activities – inspired and funded by the Professional Digital Competencies project.

Unleashing the pedagogical power of object-based learning
Join forces with the MQ Object-based Learning Pilot project team and use museum collections to support students 'leaping lightly over knowledge hurdles' in your teaching unit

Massively Adaptive Complex Realistic Online Simulations with Interactive Mentoring (MACROSIMS)
Using role play create a virtual internship to develop professional identity and thinking

From study to work: preparing students for the future
EmployABILITY thinking engages students in their cognitive and social development as capable and informed individuals, professionals and social citizens.

Rethinking assessment: learner-generated digital media
Ideas on how students-as-partners can participate in assessment practice.

Dialogic Interaction: Maximising Echo360 Active Learning Platform’s Interactive Slides
Use the QR model to transform QandA interaction