You probably know that iLearn Insights allows you to easily visualise and track which students have completed an iLearn activity (or not) and that you can use the tool to provide targeted intervention and assistance to students by sending them personalised email messages.
Oh but it’s so much more….
iLearn Insights is a tool to allow you to better understand your students. How are they progressing? Are they falling behind? Which learning materials and activities have they engaged with? The Insights dashboard provides visual representations of student data in relation to access patterns, activity completion and submission, and grading. Most importantly, it’s a mechanism allowing you to provide timely intervention to struggling students and extra motivation to students who are doing well.
Did you know you can also use iLearn Insights to:
- Find students who have not accessed the unit at all, have not accessed a particular resource, or have not completed a specific activity.
- Schedule emails to students to send at a specific date and time, anytime across the session and share sent emails with other teaching staff in the unit.
- View completion of compulsory modules such as Academic Integrity and Safer Communities.
- View participation in forums (number of discussions started or forum replies), Zoom sessions, and viewing of Echo360 recordings.
- View completion of activities such as H5P quizzes, SCORM activities (see not attempted/Incomplete/passed/completed).
- Find out the percentage of correct and incorrect answers in a quiz.
- Easily include links to relevant key students services in personalised emails to students using preset variables.
- Check if an assignment was submitted from an offshore or onshore location.
- Use engagement data to inform unit and assessment design.
3 ways you can unlock the power of iLearn Insights for your teaching
- ACCESS the full range of iLearn Insights User Guides for step-by-step instructions on using the dashboard, how to send personalised students emails and track participation (and more).
- READ previous iLearn Insights Teche posts explaining some of the more recently introduced enhancements.
- WATCH this video for an overview of iLearn Insights (useful for new users)

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