Updated June 2024

So, you’ve got some new tutors this session and would like to support them in their teaching role. Here’s how you can help them to get their head around MQ’s learning technologies, teaching via Zoom, expectations around academic integrity, marking and feedback, not to mention the jargon!

Let your new tutors know about the teaching development available (outlined below). They can choose what’s relevant for them based on their teaching needs and experience.

And… if you are managing a teaching team yourself, you’ll find some great advice in this post.

Recommended for all new to teaching (or new to MQ)

The Learning and Teaching Staff Induction Module provides a rundown of all the important learning and teaching things you need to know when you first commence at Macquarie. Required for any new commencing learning and teaching staff. A 35-minute module available via Workday. Casual staff in FMHHS should complete this version.

Academic Integrity Module for Staff (foundation) – all staff are required to complete this 45-minute module via Workday.

Read MQ’s Learning & Teaching blog (called TECHE) to to keep up to date with all the latest in learning and teaching at MQ. It’s also a great resource where you can search for articles by topic.

Help with learning technologies

Will your tutors be using iLearn, Gradebook or Turnitin? There are facilitated workshops at the start of each session for iLearn, Gradebook, Feedback Studio and Rubrics. See TECHE events for dates/times and to register for a facilitated workshop. There are also access anytime self-paced modules covering the same content as the facilitated workshops.

Those unable to make it to the workshops can refer to these quick guides for using MQ learning technologies – iLearn, iTeach, Turnitin, Echo360, Zoom, Leganto, MS Teams and more. It’s all here on the Technology and tools for teaching Staff Intranet site.

Help for the classroom

Teaching your first class? – here’s a handy checklist

Teaching via Zoom? Tips and techniques for teaching using Zoom. A self-paced module available anytime via iLearn.

Teaching in 1CC (Central courtyard)? Refer to this Complete guide to using the technology in 1CC for teaching a f2f or blended class for quick start guides, video instructions, tips and troubleshooting advice. It covers using the touch panel to control the technology and what to do when there are students joining the class online via Zoom.

We can always use some helpful advice about managing classroom behaviour. Register for a workshop or access this self-paced module (in Workday).

Developing teaching practice

Marking for the first time OR seeking a refresher on good marking & feedback practices? Here’s a 5-minute activity – access here.

Interested in trying active learning in the classroom? These two self-paced modules cover tips, techniques and tackling common issues. Available in iLearn anytime.

Learn by observing how others teach. Participate in MQ’s Open for Observation program (details coming soon on TECHE).

Keen to do a structured course for new teachers? Read about our Beginning to Teach program and express interest here to join the next offering.

Looking for a comprehensive self-paced course? The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching is a free MOOC. There is loads of content (not just for new to teaching) and staff can just pick and choose the bits that are relevant for them. Find out more and enrol for Session 2 here.

The New to Teaching intranet site has information and links about teaching induction, starting to teach, technologies and systems.

Graduate Teaching Associates

A professional development plan has been specially created for Graduate Teaching Associates at Macquarie who are employed on a half-time academic contract over 5 years while undertaking a PhD. Access the GTA plan here.

Make teaching development part of the game plan

Whether you are new to teaching at MQ or experienced and seeking to further develop your own teaching practice, this TECHE post lists all the professional development for teaching activities, workshops and resources currently offered centrally and available for all MQ learning and teaching staff.

Questions and suggestions for future professional development for teaching staff can be directed to professional.learning@mq.edu.au

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Posted by L&T Development

The Learning and Teaching Staff Development team works with staff across the University to ensure they are supported to facilitate quality learning for students. This includes offering professional development, contributing to curriculum and assessment design, recognising and rewarding good practice, supporting peer review of teaching, and leading scholarly reflection. Email professional.learning@mq.edu.au with questions or requests.

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