We’ve got our technology support staff lined up to walk you through using the technology in the 1CC (Central Courtyard) teaching spaces to maximum effect.

These training sessions are specifically for staff who will be teaching in 1CC as the technology and systems in 1CC are different to those in other teaching spaces on campus.

Book in for a training session – hurry – places are limited!

Small groups so you get to be hands on

There will be a maximum of 5 participants in each training session, so you are sure to get all your questions answered and you can have a go (if you wish)!

Bring your teaching materials

Bring along your laptop or your USB with some of your teaching materials that you might use in a real class and have a practice while there are staff in the room who can show you how to get set up and feel confident in using the technology.

Bookings essential

Find a timeslot below that suits you and click on your preferred date to register to attend. Each session will run for approximately 45 minutes. Once you register, you’ll receive a calendar invitation and the room details.

Get in quick – only 5 spaces available for each timeslot!

Read the Complete guide to using the technology in 1CC for teaching a f2f or blended class

This TECHE post is a one-stop-shop for all the quick start guides, video instructions, tips and troubleshooting advice you need to help you optimally use the technology for teaching in 1CC.

Questions? Contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Daniel Pinto and Mark Gondi for facilitating these training sessions.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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