From Monday 8 August, the Employable You(Us) series is being launched by the Employability & Graduate Success team.
Here’s everything you need to know about it:
What is Employable You(Us)?
- This is a five-week series of employability and career-related presentations for students to actively engage in this aspect of their Macquarie student experience.
- Employable You(Us) will take students through the basics of career options, getting experience, applying for jobs, presenting skills to employers, and preparing for work-integrated learning/PACE.
- This series replaces the traditional Careers Week activities (usually Week 3 of session) – feedback suggested the format was no longer effective and impactful, so we’re trying something new!
- The series runs between weeks 3 to 7 of Session 2, to allow students more time to engage in shorter, sharper time commitments.
What’s offered in the sessions?
- Each week has a theme that consists of the following elements:
- Feature presentation that includes industry, MQ students and graduates, and career and employability coaches.
- Feature workshop that is linked to the theme to provide opportunities for a “deeper dive”.
- Pop-ups and giveaways in the Central Courtyard between 12 pm and 2 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Associated employability events that are being run by faculties and other teams and/or employer presentations.
- Relevant resources for students to access in Employability Connect.
- Students who attend activities in three or more weeks go into a major prize draw.
Recordings will also be available on the Employable You website for those unable to attend.
How can you support Employable You(Us)?
- Spread the word far and wide: tell your colleagues, but most importantly promote it to your students! Add a link to goto.mq/ey within your iLearn units!
- Join any of the sessions or visit the pop-ups in Central Courtyard to meet the Employability & Graduate Success team.
- Share details of any relevant events you are holding with the Employability & Graduate Success team so we can also promote them as part of the wider program.
- Login to Employability Connect to check out resources and services available to students.
- And, if you are social media-minded, join Macquarie Employability Connect on Facebook!
Sessions available to students:
Week One: Launching Employable You (starting Monday 8 August)
In the first week, learn how to move from the classroom to your career.
Are you all set for professional working life? Hear from current students and alumni about their experiences of transitioning from study to work. Find out how the Employability and Graduate Success team helped these people to maximise their employability outcomes.
Week Two: You Need Experience (starting Monday 15 August)
In the next week, the focus is on getting experience. Employers want it, so you need a plan to gain experience as you progress through your course.
Register for this interactive session to learn how we can help you find a job and develop professional experience through PACE and other work-integrated learning units.
Week Three: Jobs and Skills for You (starting Monday 22 August)
Are you getting ready or already applying for jobs? Do you have great skills and experience but don’t always land those interviews? Want to nail your resume and cover letter every time? Move on to applying for jobs with confidence this week.
The MQ Student Employment team has a combined background of over 30 years in the recruitment industry. Join us for this hands-on workshop to learn how to identify the selection criteria in job advertisements, link these to your experience and effectively demonstrate your suitability to employers.
Week Four: Presenting You in a Resume (starting Monday 29 August)
In the fourth week of Employable You(us), we want you to get serious about your resume (or CV if that’s what you prefer to call it!).
Your resume is not just an account of everything you have done! Make your resume work for you by customising it for each application you send. In this session learn how to show the employer that you are a great match for the role and their organisation.
Week Five: Professional Branding for You (starting Monday 5 September)
Thinking about an internship? Ready to do your PACE unit? This week is all about presenting professionally to secure work experience opportunities relevant to your career goals.
Get the top tips from the Employability and Graduate Success team on how to source your internship, create a professional application, build your personal brand and develop your professional network.
Contact careers@mq.edu.au to engage with the Employability & Graduate Success team, or if you have any questions regarding Employable You(Us).
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