Dr Amanda Head’s former students regularly ask her to mentor and provide advice beyond graduation, reflecting the positive connections she builds in her classes. Amanda has developed innovative programs to further engage and motivate her students.
Her empathy stimulates a sense of belonging as she draws on her passion for the law to inspire and guide her students.
“Amanda always allowed me to share my thoughts about the topic in class. This encouraged me to participate more in class and ultimately made me really like doing work and assessments for this unit!” – Student Testimonial
Amanda positions students as advisers and teachers to increase confidence and their connection within the legal research space. Her collaborative brainstorming workshop encourages creativity and free-thinking.
I identified a need for mature-age Bachelor of Laws students, who, when arriving at university, can feel disenfranchised in a cohort of mainly 18-year-olds. In response, I facilitated a new support group, including a dedicated MULS Facebook group, to guide and motivate students and to help develop their sense of connection.
Amanda also designed a novel peer-review workshop to enhance students’ meaningful early engagement with their major assessment. These design elements have positively contributed to students’ learning experience and increased success.
“I learned a lot. The knowledge I gained from this unit will be useful in my other unit and maybe in my entire career.” – Student Testimonial.
The panel acknowledged Amanda’s contribution to the overall improvement of learning and teaching for law students, through various strategies providing tangible outcomes. The positive interactions and approaches to the motivation of all students through customised groups/workshops in relation to their professional learning is commendable.
Are you interested in applying for an award?
Applications for the 2022 Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Awards are now open:
- Applications close Friday 15, July 2022.
Award writing workshops
- View the recording of the 2022 Award Writing workshop (relevant for all award categories): View recording here>
- Register for the Student Nominated-Award Writing Workshop: 15 June 2022: 10:00 am – 11:00am Register here >
- Please see the award writing application webpage for further information.
All Award information including guidelines and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) can be found on the Awards in teaching website.
If you have any questions related to this years’ Awards, please contact the Operations Team.
Banner image background photo by Dr Amanda Head | Faculty of Arts, Macquarie Law School
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