As you are putting the finishing touches on your Session 1 iLearn units and opening them up for students, you can use this new iLearn Template checklist report to help you quickly check if your unit matches the Macquarie University iLearn Template.
Once you have followed these 5 simple steps here to set your iLearn to the layout of the MQ iLearn Template, go to iLearn Insights and use the iLearn Template Checklist Report to see if you have covered everything.
To access the iLearn Template Checklist:
Go to iLearn Insights
Select View unit report (You will need to set a date range if this is your first view of the unit in Insights)
Select Unit > iLearn template checklist (right at the bottom):

Green = performance criteria met
The checklist report gives a summary of your unit based on the MQ Online Learning Standards performance criteria. For example, the following screenshot shows how the iLearn Template Checklist Report looks if we run it for the MQ iLearn Template unit. Obviously the report will show all green (performance criteria met) for this one, since it is the best practice example!

There might be some red – here’s why
In reality, there will likely be some green (performance criteria met) and some red (performance criteria NOT met) similar to the screenshot below. Some items are self-assessed using the override checkbox as they cannot be automated. An example of this is how appropriate or relevant your learning activities are.
If you believe your unit meets a particular performance criteria and the ‘iLearn Template Checklist’ report still shows red (performance criteria NOT met), then select the ‘Override’ checkbox and submit. It was not possible to automate all performance criteria, so the override option allows you to self-check your unit.

See if units across a course/ Department or category meet requirements
Staff such as Heads of Department, Course Directors and support staff etc may like to view the iLearn template checklist report across a group of units. To request access to a category level of the iLearn Template Checklist Report, contact

Need help?
There is plenty of support available to help you implement the template in your iLearn unit.
Like to DIY?
Like someone to do it with you?
- Contact to schedule a consultation with (human) L&T support.
- Come along to the iLearn Drop-in Clinic (operating up until 25 February 2022).

Please reach out to anytime for help or questions.
Banner image: Roman Samborskyi on Shutterstock
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[…] iLearn Template Checklist Report now available in iLearn Insights provides you with a summary of what has and hasn’t been […]
[…] this checklist report to see at a glance if your unit meets template […]
[…] to ensure your iLearn unit is laid out according to the MQ Online Learning Standards. Use this checklist report to see if your unit meets template […]