Many academic and professional staff at Macquarie need to work with the Macquarie Curriculum Management System (known as the MQCMS), because when it comes to all the courses and units offered to our students, it is THE ‘source of truth’.

Among other things, the MQCMS is integral to:

  • Curriculum design, development and approval
  • Quality control and governance
  • Populating other MQ systems
  • Management and storage of curriculum information
  • Unit review and course reaccreditation

A module to help you make sense of the MQCMS

We have developed a short module, available via Workday, which will:

  • Introduce you to the MQCMS
  • Outline how information flows from the MQCMS to other MQ systems and processes
  • explain the approval process and timelines
  • Show you how to search information in the system and make unit or course amendments

Screen shots taken from the module

Who is the module for?

The Introduction to MQCMS module is for whomever needs to use or work with the MQCMS, including:

  • Unit Convenors
  • Course Directors
  • Heads of Department
  • Professional Staff involved in curriculum administration or governance
  • Staff representatives on committees or boards responsible for reviewing or approving MQCMS submissions including Faculty Education Committees, Faculty Board, Academic Standards and Quality Committee or Academic Senate.
  • Staff involved with grade ratification, unit or course reviews, or supporting curriculum development

Access the self-paced module anytime in Workday

Count this towards your professional development

You can evidence completion of this module and record it in your Development and Performance Review.

Questions? Contact

Banner image – Chris Stacey
Gif of module: Fidel Fernando

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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