By default, students will no longer be able to see their quiz marks or the correct responses
In response to the increased use of the iLearn Quiz for summative final exams, the Review options setting has now changed so that all review options are OFF by default. This means that by default, students will not be able to see their marks or the correct responses to a quiz, even after they have finished.

You can switch the Review Options back on if you need to
You can switch these Review options on when setting up your quiz. For example, if you are creating a quiz for formative assessment during the session, you would of course want your students to see and learn from which answers they answered correctly or incorrectly!
For any new quiz that is created, the Review options settings will be off. If you would like to release the marks, the attempt or feedback etc., you will need to go into the Review options setting and select the check box next to Marks, The attempt or Specific Feedback for these to be released and made available to students.
Note that this change to the default setting only applies to new quizzes created after September 2021. Any existing quizzes created before this retain their existing settings.

Why has the default changed?
The Review options setting is being changed as the former default setting would activate the Review options setting “The attempt” under “After the quiz has closed” when a close date was set. The student’s quiz attempt would then be available to the student upon completion of the quiz – which is not an ideal setting if a quiz is being used in an exam situation.
For more information or help:
Check out the iLearn quick guides for more information about setting up a quiz in iLearn.
Contact if you need further help.
Information for this article provided by Fiona Hird, Educational Design Support Officer, Learning Enhancements.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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