The Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club is like a book club… but with podcasts!
Instead of reading a book, you’ll listen (in your own time) to a podcast – or more specifically, a specially selected episode of a podcast that has something to do with university learning and teaching. Then you’ll join us for a one hour Zoom session where we’ll discuss the ideas and issues raised in the episode.
We will have discussion questions for each session which we will send out to you beforehand to prompt (and provoke) your thinking and discussing.
Our next session will be on Wednesday, 3rd February, 2021 at 12 noon via Zoom, where we will be discussing the podcast episode: Tales of Teaching Online – Building online communities with Microsoft Teams. In this episode, Joan Sutherland and Dr Elicia Lanham discuss how she built a sense of community through the use of Microsoft Teams in an IT unit with over 500 students. Our discussion will revolve around the tools we have at Macquarie, strategies on how to create the feeling of ‘community’ and how to engage students, especially those who are shy.
Make sure to have a look at one of our ‘Spotlight on practice’ academics who talked about creating community-centred teaching and learning in her unit:

For more information on how to sign up, visit our Teche Events page.
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