Getting ready for Session 2

Now that Session 2units are available in iTeach, this means that Department Managers can now assign unit convenors to their Session 2 iLearn units.

If you’re a Unit Convenor, you’ll be notified once you’ve been assigned to your unit code/s.

After this, you can:

Create your Unit Guides:  Log into iTeach and begin working on your Unit Guide for submission, approval and publishing on Macquarie’s Unit Guide website.  

  1. Once published, you’ll need to add the URL for your Unit Guide to your iLearn unit.

    Note: As of Session 2 2018, Unit Guides should be available to students 2 weeks prior to the start of session, i.e. Monday 16th July.
  2. Activate and manage your iLearn unit:   Create your iLearn unit through iTeach and add teaching staff, unit start and end dates, student cohorts, and turn on group auto sync. Once the unit has been created, you can add and update iLearn content – such as recreating Turnitin assignments, setting up Gradebook, changing due dates, etc.

Useful links

MQ Unit Guide Policy and Procedure
MQ Assessment Policy


Contact your Faculty Learning Designers by emailing or

iLearn Drop-in Clinics

The iLearn Drop-in Clinic is back for Session 2 2018, where help is on hand for all things iLearn. It will be open 10am – 2pm weekdays from 16th July – 3 August 2018.

Get help with:

  • iLearn – Editing and building your unit
  • iTeach – iLearn Spaces (in plain English, creating/activating your iLearn unit for the new session)
  • iTeach – Unit Guides
  • Echo360 and Active Learning Platform
  • Turnitin and Feedback Studio

Drop in any time at the following locations:

Monday 16 – Friday 20 July:  12SW 201 (formally C5A 201)
Monday 23 – Friday 27 July:  12SW 201 (formally C5A 201)
Monday 30 July – Friday 4 August:  12WW G23 (formally E7A G23)

No need to register, just turn up during the opening hours.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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