Kaanchi, Mentor, Applied Finance, 3rd year

Kaanchi by Michael Garganera
I knew no one when I came from Newcastle. I approached a mentor and they didn’t respond to my emails and it was like a bad experience. I had to do everything myself, like learning how to get the classes, so I thought ‘why not get involved this year?’. It’s actually like really fun, I love being involved, talking to people, communicating. It’s just great to make friends and help out.
I’m jet-lagged – I just came back from India yesterday, so I’m trying to stay upright, but inspirational! I guess it’s just great to see everyone meddling in, no one is left out, I just love diversity, it’s a really nice campus.
Justin, Psychology and Commerce, Korean Students Association

Justin by Michael Garganera
We (the Korean Students Association) do a lot events, to help each other out, get to know each other, find people within the same faculty. If you’re a first year and you’re new, you don’t know anyone, we have our welcome dinner. During our mid-sem break we have a camp, one where all the kids come together for three days and nights and you know have fun, have a little drink, meet future girlfriends, future boyfriends, you know. [laughs] Really there’s a lot of stories about that. Throughout the rest of the semester we have movie nights or drama nights and different foods.
I am an Australian born Korean, I call myself a Kaussie, a Korean Aussie, and we have a lot of international Koreans as well, so yeah I’m the representative of the English speaking half, and I guess there’s other people that speak more Korean.
My parents are Korean, so I’m half North Korean, half South Korean. Yeah, so that’s interesting.
Eddisson, Bachelor of Clinical Science, 1st year

Eddisson by Michael Garganera
O-Week, I think just in general the vibe, the energy, the youth, it’s good to see so many happy faces to be in one place at one time, and you can really feel the sense of community. I guess you could say, it’s really fun, just getting to meet new people, different backgrounds, they’ve got different perspectives and different ideas, and it’s good to just chat and meet new friends.
There is a pool party tonight actually, at the Macquarie pool, so I’ll be going to that.
Chloe, studying game development and computer science, 1st year

Chloe by Michael Garganera
Yeah, I’m very new. This is the third day I’ve come to O-Week and I’ve quite enjoyed it actually. I’ve joined two of the societies so far, the gaming society and the anime society.
I was surprised to find that those two societies even exist. I used to live in a very rural society, there wasn’t anything like that there, and I didn’t expect I’d find it here, and I did. It’s been very nice to find people that like the same kind of things that I do.
I’m from past Gloucester, very in-land NSW, very rural. Where I used to live was very isolated, like thirty minutes’ drive to the nearest shop, so being able to walk across the road to the shops is insane, it’s very new to me.
I’m loving it. Making lots of friends is really important to me.
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