PLaCE Domain: Developing self and others

New to Zoom teaching at Macquarie? Here’s a quick start guide.
First time teaching online at Macquarie? Here is a quick start guide to getting up and running with Zoom!

Spotlight on practice: Staying on your toes through changing times – Jon Burtt
Introducing Teche LongReads, a new series of longer articles exploring learning and teaching practice. In this interview, Jon Burtt explains the connections between his creative, professional, and teaching practice.

Bite-sized Learning Technology (BLT) Podcast Episode 1: E-Portfolio
A conversation about the importance of e-portfolios for students to aid development, reflection and employability.

Enhance your online teaching skills
Get personalised support for your online teaching project

Tried and Tested: tips for online teaching from MQ teachers
Straight from the horse’s mouth: the teaching and leadership community reveal what works for them.

Here we are again – back teaching in front of the camera!
Get some practical tips for teaching whilst the camera is running!

Interested in professional development for teaching? We’ve got you covered!
Workshops, training, programs, resources, communities of practice available for you in Session 2.
Developing self and others
Resources for the following PLaCE sub-domains: D1. Developing self D2. Working with and developing others D3. Fostering learning and development cultures Demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning through developing and documenting skills and expertise is a key mechanism not only...

15 ways to evidence your teaching achievements at university
Evidence for teaching excellence can come from multiple sources - here's some ideas!