Teaching and leadership job family

You are in a teaching-focussed role and are keen to consolidate your knowledge of learning and teaching. You want a clear pathway for career progression, starting with foundational theory, practice and scholarship of teaching and opportunities to move into more advanced scholarship and practice in your disciplinary pedagogy and in higher education. You are keen for leadership responsibility in learning and teaching, and seek to contribute to peer review, professional development, and mentoring activities in your department.

Selected Resources

Join the Teaching and Leadership Community of PracticeContribute your ideas and experience to shape how we lead learning and teaching across the university, provide input on professional development for leaders of learning and teaching and, at the same time, learn from your peers. Meets monthly.
Evidence your teaching achievementsA 5 minute read with ideas on ways you can evidence your university teaching achievements.
Prompts to reflect on learning and teachingA TECHE blog series of 5 minute reads to prompt you to reflect on learning and teaching.
L&T Awards in teachingWebsite with information and resources for staff thinking of applying for a learning and teaching award.