Academic applying for promotion

You are ready to apply for promotion and you want to include evidence of your quality teaching. This means demonstrating ongoing reflection responding to peer and student feedback, applying the scholarship of learning and teaching, practising innovative teaching in your discipline, and mentoring others.

Selected Resources

Evidence your teaching achievementsA 5 minute read with ideas on ways you can evidence your university teaching achievements.
ABCs of PedagogyA TECHE blog series of 5 minute reads to develop the skill of using scholarly language to describe your teaching and learning practice. Useful when applying for an award or promotion, or just reflecting and having conversations about teaching.
Prompts to reflect on learning and teachingA TECHE blog series of 5 minute reads to prompt you to reflect on learning and teaching.
TECHE Spotlight on Practice articlesA series of articles profiling MQ academic staff and their approach to teaching.
Join a Community of PracticeOur learning and teaching communities of practice unite people with common interests and allow exchange of ideas, and sharing of information and experiences.
Academic promotion at MacquarieWebsite with information for staff about MQ’s academic promotion scheme (process, forms, timelines and more).