Learning & Teaching Scholarship in Higher Education: Novice
Here are some ideas to guide your progress through the Learning and Teaching Scholarship domain of the Professional Learning and Capability Enhancement (PLaCE) Framework:
- Find out about Scholarship in Learning and Teaching (SOTL)
- Understand the difference between SOTL and Scholarly teaching
- Write a teaching philosophy

Consolidate your knowledge of Learning & Teaching Scholarship:
Read: | What is SOTL and why should I engage with it? (Scholarship of Teaching & Learning website) |
Watch: | The difference between SOTL vs Scholarly teaching (7 minute video) |
Explore: | Find key literature to support your teaching practice or research using this annotated SOTL literature database |
Write: | Draft your teaching philosophy (TECHE post with pointers on writing and developing a teaching philosophy) |
Take it to the next level: Plan and undertake a SOTL project
Read: | A guide to the steps involved in carrying out a SoTL project (Scholarship of teaching & learning website) |
If you would like support to create a personalised professional development plan to enhance your teaching capability, please contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au