17 April, 2019
10:00 am - 3:30 pm

Australian Hearing Hub, 16 University Ave, Rm 1.602

“Assessment is a central feature of teaching and the curriculum. It powerfully frames how students learn and what students achieve. It is one of the most significant influences on students’ experience of higher education and all that they gain from it. The reason for an explicit focus on improving assessment practice is the huge impact it has on the quality of learning.”

Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s Assessment 2020.

The Festival of Assessment is brought to the Macquarie community by the Academic Senate, Professor Dominique Parrish, PVC Learning and Teaching, and Professor Sean Brawley, PVC Programs and Pathways.

Register for one, two or three festival sections by clicking the register links below.

If you cannot be on campus, live streaming and recording will be available to MQ staff on the day. Enrol in the iLearn unit before clicking through to the Echo360 link to watch.

Time Topic Presenter Register
10:00 Welcome Professor Dominique Parrish
PVC Learning and Teaching
Register for Section 1
10:15 Pecha Kucha Showcase Multiple
11:00 Break
11:15 Policy Round Table: How should we change the assessment policy? Mitch Parsell
Chair, Senate Learning and Teaching Committee
Register for Section 2
12:00 Can you teach academic integrity with a board game? A hands-on engagement approach Dr Amanda White
University of Technology Sydney
12:30 Using needs analysis to guide teaching and assessment Dr Loy Lising
Department of Linguistics, FHS
1:00 Lunch Break (Lunch is not provided)
2:00 iLearn Assessment and Feedback Showcase Multiple Register for Section 3
2:30 Assessment in the CMS Professor Sean Brawley
PVC Programs and Pathways
3:00 Structuring Feedback Dr Olga Kozar
Manager, Office PVC Learning and Teaching


Posted by Learning Innovation Hub